Imagine a place in the heart of Europe, where democracy prevails, the government understands that the society thrives only when their rights are respected and the rule of law is not only a phrase that rhymes only with “backsliding” or “crisis”. Imagine a place where we gather to celebrate together and not to protest to protect ourselves and other people.
We believe that Poland could be such a place.
But to make it happen we need something that every democracy, young and old one, needs: independent, reliable media. This is an ever-unfulfilling need because every government has to have an eye which will control it.
We are a civic tool to control the government. The current one and every one after it. is a voice of those who feel their rights are not respected and the fundamental freedoms are at risk. We have witnessed and are witnessing plenty of protests – opponents of the destruction of the judiciary, the curtailment of women's rights, the inhumane treatment of refugees or sexual minorities have taken to the streets and continue to do so. is the place where we give voice to activists, minorities and all those fighting for a better tomorrow. While presenting reliable, verified and factual information, referring to data and scientific expertise, we also do not escape from telling stories about people. Hence, in addition to fact checking and chronicles of the destruction of the rule of law in Poland, you can find reports or stories about SLAPP victims. In this way, we want to create a trustworthy place in
At people with different experiences and views come together, but we always approach each other with respect. Working together, we try to understand each other's points, and even if we argue, it is within the limits of the discussion culture. This is also the kind of place we want to be for our readers. We also look forward to your comments, criticism, additions, suggestions. We guarantee anonymity to anyone willing to share what they know.
We value cross-generational experience sharing: our team members' age ranges from 21 to 74, representing 3 generations: Millennials, Baby Boomers and Gen Z. Gender proportions among management are equalized with a slight majority of women. Our audience also shares similar gender proportions.
Speaking of readers, you probably see that you can read us in Polish, English and Ukrainian for free – no paywall, no ads and/or sponsored content. This is possible thanks to our readers – each amount donated for us is a step forward for a more democratic country for all of us. You too can become a donor – it’s easy: we operate via PayU, PayPal. is published by Foundation Centre for Civic Control OKO (Polish and official name: Fundacja Centrum Kontroli Obywatelskiej OKO). The foundation was established on March 10, 2016, and the court registered it - under the KRS number 0000620036 - on June 1, 2016.
"The main purpose of the Foundation's activities is to protect and multiply the achievements of the Republic of Poland as a democratic state of law, to uphold the principles of democracy and the freedoms and rights of man and citizen."
The Foundation's Council is composed of Prof. Monika Płatek, Elżbieta Korolczuk, Jarosław Kurski, Jerzy Baczynski and Jacek Kucharczyk. The Foundation's Board of Directors is formed by Piotr Pacewicz (president) and Toko Anna Okazaki-Pindur (board member). On January 28, 2019, the Foundation obtained the status of a Public Benefit Organization.
The portal is a press title, registered in the register of daily newspapers and magazines, maintained by the District Court in Warsaw, under the number Pr 19832.