

Eye on Poland

The collection of articles and columns in English from the authors of OKO.press

Grafika do artykułu The art of making memes. How Ukraine is successfully disarming Russia... with mockery
The art of making memes. How Ukraine is successfully disarming Russia... with mockery
Michałowice, 27.09.2021. Uchodźcy pod posterunkiem Straży Granicznej
Policja i służby
$20 for 2 cups of hot water. That’s the price of human life. An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Grafika do artykułu A border guard cries and transports them to the border. An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Uchodźcy i migranci
A border guard cries and transports them to the border. An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Grafika do artykułu „I’m a hunted animal. They took away my humanity.” An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Uchodźcy i migranci
„I’m a hunted animal. They took away my humanity.” An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Grafika do artykułu Istanbul. A smuggler assures me: „It’s 100% guaranteed.” An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Uchodźcy i migranci
Istanbul. A smuggler assures me: „It’s 100% guaranteed.” An OKO.press reporter on the refugee trail
Grafika do artykułu Palestinians: „They told us: either Poland, or death here.” Yazidis: „We were wasting away in a camp for 7 years”
Uchodźcy i migranci
Palestinians: „They told us: either Poland, or death here.” Yazidis: „We were wasting away in a camp for 7 years”
Grafika do artykułu Green light: this is where refugees can find help. We want to give them hope [INTERVIEW]
Uchodźcy i migranci
Green light: this is where refugees can find help. We want to give them hope [INTERVIEW]
Grafika do artykułu „All night long I hear the wailing of children at the border. Have the courage to come here and look them in the eyes”
Uchodźcy i migranci
„All night long I hear the wailing of children at the border. Have the courage to come here and look them in the eyes”
08.10.2021  okolica gminy Szudzialowo . Uchodzcy w lesie . Grupa spoleczna , ktora pomaga uchodzcom .
Fot. Agnieszka Sadowska/ Agencja Gazeta. *** Local Caption *** .
Uchodźcy i migranci
„People are already dying, and freezing temperatures are coming”, warns an activist on the Polish border
06.03.2020 Czestochowa , ulica Zbierskiego . Uniwersytet im. Jana Dlugosza . Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich Adam Bodnar . II Czestochowska Konferencja Prawnicza zorganizowana przez Okregowa Rade Adwokacka w Czestochowie i Iustitia Oddzial Slaski . Fot . Grzegorz Skowronek / Agencja Gazeta
Prawa człowieka
120 civil society organizations against the takeover of the office of the Ombudsman
Grafika do artykułu Media in Poland protest against the planned 'advertising tax'. This means bankruptcy for many media and limits to pluralism
Media in Poland protest against the planned 'advertising tax'. This means bankruptcy for many media and limits to pluralism
EP Plenary session - The European Forest Strategy - The Way Forward
Chief EP negotiator for the rule of law conditionality: 'We gave nothing to Kaczyński and Orbán'
Grafika do artykułu We get messages saying: “What are you doing, they’re going to hate us because of you"
We get messages saying: “What are you doing, they’re going to hate us because of you"
Grafika do artykułu "The policeman pinned her head to the pavement". Demonstrations in defence of an LGBTQ activist in Poland meet with the police crackdown
"The policeman pinned her head to the pavement". Demonstrations in defence of an LGBTQ activist in Poland meet with the police crackdown
Grafika do artykułu The European Commission intervenes on LGBT-free zones. Its letter could be groundbreaking
The European Commission intervenes on LGBT-free zones. Its letter could be groundbreaking
Grafika do artykułu Presidential elections in Poland: what we know so far
Presidential elections in Poland: what we know so far
Grafika do artykułu Poland is Europe’s homophobe. No country treats LGBTI citizens worse in the whole EU
Poland is Europe’s homophobe. No country treats LGBTI citizens worse in the whole EU
18.08.2019 Stalowa , prezes Jaroslaw Kaczynski (l) , premier Mateusz Morawiecki (p) podczas Pikniku Rodzinnego Prawa i Sprawiedliwosci .
Fot. Patryk Ogorzalek / Agencja Gazeta
The National Electoral Commission deprived of its powers in Poland