

Yesterday morning, on 20 February 2020, the OKO-press editorial office sent 52 letters to the European partners of 13 Polish local authorities that adopted resolutions ‘Against the LGBT ideology’. We attached the respective resolution translated into English to each letter.

In the letter, we express our outrage at the act of adopting resolutions constituting homophobic exclusion, we refer to European and Polish law, as well as to the concept of ‘inalienable dignity’, as referred to in Article 30 of the Constitution, which states:

‘The inherent and inalienable dignity of a person constitutes a source of human and civic freedoms and rights. It is inviolable, while the public authorities are under the obligation to respect and protect it.’

Publikujemy angielską wersję artykułu, w którym OKO.press wzywa 52 unijnych partnerów polskich gmin i rejonów, które przyjęły uchwałę, że są strefą "wolną od ideologii LGBT", do zerwania/zawieszenia umowy partnerskiej. Wzywamy do tego, bo jesteśmy przekonani, że trzeba zrobić wszystko, by zatrzymać homofobiczną nienawiść w Polsce i w Europie, zanim będzie za późno:

Przeczytaj także:

Inspired by Saint-Jean-de-Braye, a French commune that decided to terminate the partnership with its twin, Tuchów (Małopolskie Voivodship), we call on the European partners of the Polish local governments to ‘react explicitly – terminate or suspend the cooperation until the resolution is withdrawn.’

Realizing that such a decision can spoil the lives of the citizens of both parties, we appeal to you to ensure that the costs which ordinary people will have to pay are as low as possible. The commune of Saint-Jean-de-Braye announced that it would continue the exchanges of youths. We are also counting on the inhabitants of the ‘LGBT free’ regions putting pressure on their authorities to withdraw the harmful resolution.

The list of 52 partners of Polish municipalities and voivodships to which we have written only included European Union Member States: the most were from Slovakia (9), France and Hungary (6 each), as well as Belgium, Croatia and Germany (5 each) – a total of 17 countries. We omitted the partners from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

We decided to do this not because there are no decent people in Ukraine, Russia or Belarus who could be outraged by the resolutions of the Polish municipalities, even if their own countries have homophobic laws. We restricted ourselves to the EU community, the representatives of which had categorically spoken out about the Polish ‘free zones’:

  • The European Parliament passed a resolution on 18 December 2019 condemning homophobic resolutions of local governments and called on the Polish public authorities to immediately repeal their harmful documents.
  • The European Commission also adamantly condemned the resolutions on 4 February 2020.

Both EU institutions referred to the anti-discriminatory provisions of the EU Treaties, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, many recommendations of the Council of Europe and other EU bodies.

We are aware that the idea of ‘reporting on them’ is controversial. However, we are reacting to a phenomenon that we consider unacceptable from the point of view of caring for our own country;

we, Poles, do not agree to such ostentatious exclusion and harming of our fellow citizens.

We all recently listened to Marian Turski’s great speech at the ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the inmates of the Auschwitz Extermination Camp. This inmate, who had miraculously survived, described how initially minor forms of exclusion of Jews, which were socially accepted, had led to the Holocaust. His appeal was: ‘Don’t be indifferent when you see historical lies. When there is discrimination against any minority. When any authority breaches the accepted social agreements. Remember the 11th Commandment: Don’t be indifferent.’

Let’s listen to Turski.

Reference to Europe, which we see as a continent of common values, is a natural reaction, especially since the vast majority of the twin towns are our EU brothers and sisters.

We hope the Readers support the OKO.press initiative.

If only by sharing this article in Poland or sending the Letter from OKO.press in English to their foreign friends. We also encourage you to write your own appeals to selected European towns.

OKO.press is a non-profit, investigative journalism, fact-checking project from Poland. Our website has more than 2 million unique users per month. We have more than 295 thousands followers on Facebook page and almost 50 thousands on Twitter. We investigate and evaluate statements made by politicians, monitor public spending, fight for access to public information, commission our own opinion polls, publish our own analyses. We are leading source on information about rule of law backsliding and responses to it.

Letter from OKO.press: let’s not allow hate speech to become the standard

OKO.press* represents that part of Polish public opinion that adamantly opposes the institutional homophobia of some of our country’s local government authorities. For over a year, governors of the municipalities, counties and voivodships in Poland have been passing resolutions ‘against the LGBT ideology’, breaching the fundamental values of the European community, as well as the principles of the Polish Constitution. The public authorities are forgetting that they have an obligation to act within the limits of the applicable law and to safeguard the inalienable human dignity, human rights and equal rights.

In official documents, local government officials use dehumanizing language when writing about LGBT, referring to it as ‘pathologies’, ‘homopropaganda’, ‘dangerous ideology’ and ‘a threat to the traditional family and children’.

The European Parliament passed a resolution on 18 December 2020 condemning homophobic resolutions of local governments and called on the Polish public authorities to immediately repeal their harmful documents. The European Commission also adamantly condemned the resolutions on 4 February 2020.

We believe international pressure makes sense, which is why we encourage states to revise their cooperation with the municipalities, cities and voivodships which are harmful to the LGBT community. Saint-Jean de Braye, the French municipality twinned with Tuchów (Małopolskie Voivodship) which passed an anti-LGBT resolution, was the first to decide to break the partnership. Martin-Chabbert, adviser to the mayor of Saint-Jean de Braye, emphasized that the municipality could not allow human rights to be neglected and referred to the persecution of homosexuals by Nazi Germany.

The establishment of ‘LGBT-free zones’

dangerously resembles the extermination rhetoric of the last century and, in everyday life, affects the level of security of non-heteronormative and transgender people living in Poland.

Let’s not allow hate speech to become the norm, let’s react!

PS. As defenders of democratic standards in Poland, we would expect your unambiguous reaction (stoppage or suspension of the cooperation until the withdrawal of the resolution), while leaving the opportunity available for the citizens of both countries to cooperate, if it can be continued without the involvement of the Polish authorities.

52 European reports – see the list

The first ‘LGBT free’ zone was established in March 2019 by the councillors from Świdnik (Lubelskie Voivodship). Since then, as many as 93 local government units have adopted related documents. Some of them in the form of extremely homophobic resolutions ‘against the LGBT ideology’, others in the form of the ‘Local Government Family Rights Charter’ created by ‘Ordo Iuris’ lawyers.

The activists, Kuba Gawron, Paulina Pająk and Paweł Parenta, collected and archived the local resolutions. They created the ‘Atlas of Hatred‘ in November 2019, which enables them to track which local authority officials have adopted documents, which regions are still working on resolutions and where the councillors have rejected the draft resolutions. The largest density of homophobic municipalities (in red) can best be seen on the map in the Małopolskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Voivodships.

Source: Atlas of Hatred, access on: 19/02/2020

The information on the termination of the cooperation between the French commune and Tuchów was the inspiration for OKO.press to prepare its reports. Of all the homophobic local government units, we selected those that satisfy two requirements:

  • they are bound by partnership agreements with foreign municipalities or regions from EU Member States;
  • they have passed resolutions that directly object to the ‘LGBT ideology’.

This does not mean that we do not see that other documents are of a discriminatory nature. The Local Government Family Rights Charters obligate local authorities to ‘provide special support to families’, but emphasize that the element of support is to ‘protect against the influence of ideologies undermining the autonomy and identity of the family’. In right-wing discourse, this is nothing more than speaking up against LGBT people to whom a foreign and dangerous ‘ideology’ has been attached, although the local government officials decided not to use the description of non-heterosexual people directly.

Ultimately, 13 entities found themselves on our list of euro-reports. We have published the list of municipalities and voivodships with their 53 partners, to which we have sent the appeal, below. We have also attached English versions of the resolutions.


  • Portoscuso (Italy)
  • Zuberec (Slovakia)

Friday, 7 June 2019

Declaration 1/19 of the Jordanów Municipal Council of 30 May 2019

regarding the objection to the introduction of the “LGBT” ideology in local government communities

The Jordanów municipal council expresses its decided objection to public-oriented activities intended to promote the ideology of LGBT movements, the objectives of which question the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by acts of international law, challenge values protected by the Polish constitution and interfere with the social order. These activities are oriented towards the destruction of the values formed by the centuries-old heritage of Christianity, which are of particular importance to the residents of the Jordanów Municipality. As Councillors of the Jordanów Municipality, we declare support for the family based on traditional values and the protection of the education system against LGBT propaganda that threatens the correct development of the young generation.

We declare that, when performing its public tasks, the Jordanów Municipal Council will be faithful to the national and state traditions, remembering the millennial tradition of Christianity in Poland and the centuries-old attachment of Poles to freedom.


  • Hajdúböszörmény (Hungary)
  • Nogent-sur-Oise (France)
  • Ruiselede (Belgium)
  • Silale (Lithuania)
  • Trogir (Croatia)

Position of the Kraśnik Town Council regarding the suppression of the LGBT ideology by the local government community of 30 May 2019.

Pursuant to the ideological war incited by certain politicians, the Kraśnik Town Council is making an “LGBT+ ideology-free Municipality” declaration.

Radicals intending to conduct a cultural revolution in Poland are attacking freedom of speech, the innocence of children, the authority of the family and the school, and the freedom of enterprise. Therefore, we shall consistently defend our local government community.

“LGBT” ideology-free local government

In accordance with our centuries-old culture of social life, for the good of life, the family and freedom, we declare that the local government we represent will not interfere with the private lives of Polish men and women. We cannot allow the exaggerated problems and artificial conflicts that the LGBT+ ideology brings to be imposed on us.

We shall not agree to the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”). We shall protect the right to bring up children in accordance with the convictions of their parents.

We shall do everything to prevent people interested in early sexualisation of Polish children from entering the schools according to the so-called World Health Organization (WHO) standards. We shall protect pupils, ensuring that their parents, with the help of educators, are able to responsibly convey the beauty of human love to them!

We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called homopropaganda) in selected professions. We shall protect, among others, teachers and entrepreneurs from the imposition of unprofessional criteria on them, e.g. in educational work, in the choice of employees or trading partners!

We declare that the Town of Kraśnik will be faithful to national and state traditions while performing its public tasks, remembering the 1053 years since the Baptism of Poland, 100 years after Poland regained its independence and 29 years after recovering local governance of Polish women and men.

Chairperson of the Kraśnik Town Council

Dorota Posyniak

Łososina Dolna

  • Crescentino (Italy)


of 31 May 2019

on the adoption of a Resolution on the suppression of the “LGBT” ideology by the local government community, as well as attacks on the Polish Church and offending the religious feelings of the faithful.

Pursuant to Article 18 para. 1 of the Act on municipal self-government of 8 March 1990 (consolidated text, Journal of Laws of 2019, item 506).

The Łososina Dolna Municipal Council resolves as follows:

  • 1.

To adopt a Resolution of the Łososina Dolna Municipal Council on the suppression of the “LGBT” ideology by the local government community, as well as attacks on the Polish Church and offending the religious feelings of the faithful constituting an appendix to the resolution.

  • 2.
  1. To forward the Resolution referred to in § 1 to:
    1. The President of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw;
    2. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland in Warsaw;
    3. The Minister of National Education in Warsaw;
    4. The Małopolska Education Superintendent in Kraków
  • 3.

The performance of the resolution is entrusted to the Mayor of the Łososina Dolna Municipality.

  • 4.

The resolution enters into force on the date on which it is passed.

Chairperson of the Council

Jerzy Schneider, MSc Eng.

Nowa Dęba

  • Ploemeur (France)
  • Fermoy (Ireland)

Declaration of the Nowa Dęba Town Council on the introduction and promotion of the “LGBT” ideology in local government communities

The Nowa Dęba Town Council expresses its adamant objection to the activities emerging in public intended to promote the ideology of the LGBT movements, the objectives of which are at odds with the foundations of social order, which is based on the family, understood as a marriage between a woman and a man, as well as the freedom and autonomy of religious communities, especially the Catholic Church, which breach the constitutional order accepted in Poland.

“So God created mankind in his own image, he created them in the image of God: he created them male and female” (Genesis 1: 27). It is hard to believe that, together with the development of science and the observed technological development, a person embedded in the realities of the 21st century negates and undermines the biological and spiritual grounds of his existence. The obvious truths about the nature of man and his sexuality give way to the intrusive propaganda of the leftist demoralizers (heirs of the Bolshevik ideology) whose sole objective is to destroy the institution of marriage and the family, and therefore bring about a complete reorientation of social relations and relationships. Other than the lies and manipulations, this purpose is also served by the use of the terror of political correctness, censorship of the Bible, the dismissal of people from work if they defend traditional values, and political trials on charges of so-called “hate speech”. LGBT activists use slogans of tolerance and peace to profane symbols that are sacred to Catholics, mock the sacraments – especially the Holy Sacrifice, thereby promoting anti-civilization.

It has been widely known for some time that children should grow up in a relationship confronting masculinity and femininity – the father and the mother – and, in this way, reach emotional maturity. And it is precisely in the family community itself that the child can be brought up to recognize the values and beauty of the gender difference, equality, as well as biological, functional, psychological and social complementarity. In accordance with our centuries-old culture of social life, for the good of life, the family and freedom, we declare that the local government we represent will not interfere with the private lives of Polish men and women. We shall not allow the exaggerated problems and artificial conflicts that the LGBT ideology brings to be imposed on us. Bearing in mind the well-being of children, the institutions of marriage and the family, as well as the proper development of the national community, we declare that:

  • we are standing up in defence of our tradition, culture and religion against the aggressive, lying and harmful LGBT ideology;
  • we disagree with the introduction of elements of so-called “sex education” into our schools and our educational system according to the standards of the World Health Organization;
  • we disagree with the demoralization of our children by so-called “lighthouse keepers” or by other officers of political correctness;
  • we disagree with the spread of the so-called “homopropaganda” in municipal educational institutions and any facilities belonging to the Nowa Dęba municipality.

>We simultaneously ask:

  • teachers and educators, headmasters of schools and nursery schools to defend the Polish family and Christian values during their classes and at the institutions they run
  • the mayor of the town and municipality of Nowa Dęba to supervise the activities of the schools and nursery schools he runs to the extent encompassed by this declaration;
  • the residents of the town and municipality, who are concerned about the fate of future generations of children and youths to join the defence of Polish values and Polish families.

Ostrów Lubelski

  • Palombara Sabina (Italy)

Position of the Ostrów Lubelski Town Council of 27 March 2019 regarding the suppression of the “LGBT” ideology by the community

Pursuant to the ideological war incited by certain politicians, the Ostrów Lubelski Town Council is making a “LGBT+ ideology-free municipality” declaration. Radicals intending to conduct a cultural revolution in Poland are attacking freedom of speech, the innocence of children, the authority of the family and the school, and the freedom of enterprise. Therefore, we shall consistently defend our local government community! “LGBT” ideology-free local government

In accordance with our centuries-old culture of social life, for the good of life, the family and freedom, we declare that the local government we represent will not interfere with the private lives of Polish men and women. We shall not allow the exaggerated problems and artificial conflicts that the “LGBT+” ideology brings to be imposed on us.

  1. We shall not agree to the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”). We shall protect the right to bring up children in accordance with the convictions of their parents!
  2. We shall do everything to prevent shockers interested in early sexualisation of Polish children from entering the schools according to the so-called World Health Organization standards. We shall protect pupils, ensuring that their parents, with the help of educators, are able to responsibly convey the beauty of human love to them!
  3. We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called homopropaganda) in selected professions. We shall protect, among others, teachers and entrepreneurs from the imposition of unprofessional criteria on them, e.g. in educational work, in the choice of employees or trading partners!

We declare that the Ostrów Lubelski Municipal Council will be faithful to national and state traditions while performing its public tasks, remembering the 1053 years since the Baptism of Poland, 100 years after Poland regained its independence and 29 years after recovering local governance of Polish women and men.

Chairperson of the Municipal Council

Jerzy Sobich


  • South Kesteven (UK)
  • Paderborn (Germany)
  • Humenne (Slovakia)
  • Eger (Hungary)

Declaration of the Przemyśl Town Council expressing opposition to the promotion and affirmation of the ideology of so-called LGBT movements

Pursuant to § 38 para. 2 item 2) of Resolution No. 157/2018 of the Przemyśl Town Council of 27 September 2018 regarding the Statutes of the Town of Przemyśl (Official Journal of the Podkarpackie Voivodship of 2018, item 4236, as amended), the Prezmyśl Town Council declares:

Guided by the common good, care for the family and children, as well as respect for the principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, the Przemyśl Town Council expresses its objection to activities intended to promote the ideology of the so-called LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) movements, the objectives of which are extremely in conflict with the principle of freedom, traditional Christian values and natural law.

The actions postulated and recently undertaken by the so-called LGBT movements and their supporting circles are of a social engineering nature, the intention of which poses a serious threat to the social order, striking at its foundation, which is the Family.

The ideology accompanying LGBT movements, proposing an alternative vision of mankind and new social norms, not only has the objective of influencing various spheres of life, such as education, upbringing, culture and ethics, but also interferes with the private exclusive sphere of the family.

As representatives of the Free Royal Town of Przemyśl, being in its Town Council, bearing in mind the good of Polish and Przemyśl families, we stand in defence of our school and our education system against attempts to impose harmful and demoralizing standards that have a negative impact on the correct psychological development of children and youths. We disagree with any attempts of the LGBT ideology to interfere with the process of upbringing and education at every stage. The school cannot become a tool for an ideological offensive, but a place that guarantees safety and enables appropriate development.

Respecting the inherent and inalienable dignity of every human, we protest against the intrusive promotion of initiatives and content by LGBT movements and call on them to withdraw from the public discourse. As councillors of the Przemyśl Town Council, we declare our commitment to principles that build the strength of Polish and Przemyśl families, and which have Christian values and our Polish tradition as their source.


  • Castelo Branco (Portugal)
  • Stendal (Germany)
  • Douai (France)

Position of the Puławy Town Council of 30 May 2019

on stopping the ideology promoted by the “LGBT” subculture in the town of Puławy

The right to raise a child in accordance with the parents’ convictions is a key parental right (Article 48 of the Polish Constitution). The increasing attempts to undermine it, undertaken by some communities, are incompatible with the Polish Constitution and with the applicable educational law. In these circumstances, support is considered to be needed to protect the values certified in the Polish Constitution. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, “everyone has the right to demand that public authorities protect their child against (...) demoralization" (Article 72, para. 1).

In view of the attempt to undermine the constitutionally guaranteed rights of families, including the rights of parents and children, as well as the legal identity and constitutional position of marriage, as the local government representing the residents of the town of Puławy, for the good of life, the family and freedom, we want to declare that, in accordance with our Polish culture of social life, we shall take steps based on three pillars, which are to stop the expansion of the ideology being promoted by the so-called LGBT subculture:

  1. We shall not agree to the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”). We shall protect the right to bring up children in accordance with the convictions of their parents.
  2. We shall do everything to prevent shockers interested in the early sexualisation of Polish children from entering the schools in accordance with the so-called World Health Organization (WHO) standards. We shall protect pupils, ensuring that their parents, with the help of educators, are able to responsibly convey the beauty of human love to them!
  3. We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called homopropaganda) in selected professions. We shall protect, among others, teachers and entrepreneurs from the imposition of unprofessional criteria on them, e.g. in educational work, in the choice of employees or trading partners!

We declare that, when performing its public tasks, the Puławy Town Council will be faithful to the national and state traditions, remembering the millennial tradition of Christianity in Poland and the centuries-old attachment of Poles to freedom.

In view of the numerous questions and appeals from the residents of Puławy to address the threats arising from the attempts to implement the idea promoted by the LGBT subculture in schools and nursery schools, the Puławy Town Council resolves to take an appropriate position on this matter.

On behalf of the Puławy Town Council

Chairperson of the Puławy Town Council

Bożena Krygier


>In view of the numerous enquiries and appeals from the residents of Puławy to address the threats arising from the attempts to introduce the idea promoted by the LGBT subculture in schools and nursery schools, the Puławy Town Council has resolved to take an appropriate position on this matter.


  • Illingen (Germany)
  • Saint-Jean-de-Braye (France)
  • Pettenbach (Austria)
  • Martfu (Hungary)
  • Mikulov (Czech Republic)
  • Detva (Slovakia)
  • Tăuţii-Măgherăuş (Romania)


of 29 May 2019

on the adoption of a resolution regarding the suppression of the “LGBT+” ideology by the local government community

Pursuant to the ideological war incited by certain politicians, the Tuchów Town Council is making an “LGBT+ ideology-free Tuchów Municipality” declaration. Radicals intending to conduct a cultural revolution in Poland are attacking freedom of speech, the innocence of children, the authority of the family and the school and the freedom of enterprise. Therefore, we shall consistently defend our local government community! LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and others) ideology-free Tuchów Municipality. In accordance with our centuries-old culture of social life, for the good of life, the family and freedom, we declare that the local government we represent will not interfere with the private lives of Polish men and women. We shall not allow the exaggerated problems and artificial conflicts that the LGBT+ ideology brings to be imposed on us.

  1. We shall not agree to the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”). We shall protect the right to bring up children in accordance with the convictions of their parents!
  2. We shall do everything to prevent shockers interested in early sexualisation of Polish children from entering the schools according to the so-called World Health Organization (WHO) standards. We shall protect pupils, ensuring that their parents, with the help of educators, are able to responsibly convey the beauty of human love to them!
  3. We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called homopropaganda) in selected professions. We shall protect, among others, teachers and entrepreneurs from the imposition of unprofessional criteria on them, e.g. in educational work, in the choice of employees or trading partners! We declare that the Municipality of Tuchów will be faithful to national and state traditions while performing its public tasks, remembering the 1053 years since the Baptism of Poland, 100 years after Poland regained its independence.
  4. The Chairman of the Tuchów Town Council is obliged to distribute this resolution in the educational institutions of the Tuchów municipality and among the residents of the Tuchów municipality.

Chairperson of the Tuchów Town Council

Stanisław Obrzut, MA


  • Kisújszállás (Hunagry)
  • Dolní Benešov (Czech Republic)
  • Horná Súča (Slovakia)
  • Trenčianske Teplice (Slovakia)
  • Rajecké Teplice (Slovakia)
  • Kunerad (Slovakia)
  • Županja (Croatia)
  • Klanjec (Croatia)
  • Općina Kloštar Ivanić (Croatia);

Position of the Wilamowice Town Council regarding support for the constitutional model of the family based on traditional values

As Councillors of the Wilamowice Town Council, we express great respect and appreciation for all families, mothers and fathers, for their everyday efforts made in raising their children and all activity in favour of our community.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, a family is formed by a marriage, as a voluntary union of a woman and a man, which constitutes the fundamental social unit and is subject to the special protection and legal care of the state. This family also has the right to raise children in accordance with their conscience. In view of the recent discussions in Poland and the undermining of the concept of the model of the family by the representatives of the LGBT circles, the Wilamowice Town Council decidedly advocates the protection of a traditional family formed by the centuries-old heritage of Christianity, which is the first and irreplaceable school of life and plays an important role in shaping the correct moral attitudes of future generations.

We encourage young people to start families, which, by their nature are a natural environment of self-fulfilment and a guarantee of continuity of generations, which is so important to the comprehensive development of our homeland.

We declare that we shall listen to the needs of parents and children and support them in their pursuit of a life of freedom of conscience.

We appeal for steps to be taken to defend and promote the model of the family which is in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland and traditional values.

Chairperson of the Municipal Council

Lublin Voivodship

  • Steiermark (Austria)
  • West Flandrs (Belgium)


of the Lublin Voivodship Assembly

of 25 April 2019

regarding the introduction of the “LGBT” ideology into local government communities

The Lublin Voivodship Assembly expresses its objection to public-oriented activities intended to promote the ideology of LGBT movements, the objectives of which breach the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by acts of international law, challenge values protected by the Polish constitution and interfere with the autonomy of religious communities.

Activities recently undertaken by representatives of the national and local government political scene are focused on bringing about fundamental changes in social life. These activities are oriented towards the annihilation of the values formed by the Catholic Church, such as the pursuit of the search for truth, concern for the moral development of the young generation, concern for the institution of the family and the school based on Christian principles.

Therefore, bearing in mind the well-being of the person and the family, we declare that:

  • We shall stand up in defence of our school and our family with the intention of striving to protect them from the spreading ideology, which is in conflict with Christian values;
  • We disagree with the introduction of elements of sex education into the Polish educational system according to the standards of the World Health Organization;
  • We disagree with the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”), being in conflict with the real welfare of the children.
  • We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called “homopropaganda”) in selected professions (teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs and lawyers).

We declare that, when performing its public tasks, the Lublin Voivodship Assembly will be faithful to the national and state traditions, remembering the millennial tradition of Christianity in Poland and the centuries-old attachment of Poles to freedom.

Chairperson of the Lublin Voivodship Assembly

Michał Mulawa

Małopolska Voivodship

  • Thuringen (Germany)
  • Bavaria (Germany)
  • Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes (France)
  • Centre-Val de Loire (France)
  • Flanders (Belgium)
  • Wallonia (Belgium)
  • Uppsala (Sweden)
  • Istria (Croatia)
  • Prešovský kraj (Slovakia)
  • Żlińsky kraj (Slovakia)
  • Cluj (Romania)
  • Latgalla (Latvia)

Declaration No. 1/19 of the Małopolska Voivodship Assembly of 29 April 2019 regarding the objection to the introduction of the “LGBT” ideology into local government communities

The Małopolska Voivodship Assembly expresses its decided objection to public-oriented activities intended to promote the ideology of LGBT movements, the objectives of which breach the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by acts of international law, challenge values protected by the Polish constitution and interfere with the social order. Activities recently undertaken by certain representatives of local government and the national political scene are focused on bringing about fundamental changes in social life. These activities are oriented towards the annihilation of the values formed by the centuries-old heritage of Christianity, which are of particular importance to the residents of Małopolska. As Councillors of the Małopolska Voivodship Municipality, we declare support for the family based on traditional values and the protection of the education system against LGBT propaganda that threatens the correct development of the young generation.

We declare that, when performing its public tasks, the Małopolska Voivodship Assembly will be faithful to the national and state traditions, remembering the millennial tradition of Christianity in Poland and the centuries-old attachment of Poles to freedom. Copies to:

The President of the Republic of Poland;

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland;

The Minister of National Education;

The Education Superintendent in Kraków;

The Municipalities and Counties of the Małopolska Voivodship;

The Residents of the Małopolskie Voivodship.

Świętokrzyskie Voivodship

  • Region Centralnej Finlandii (Finland)
  • Gavleborg (Szwedem)
  • Komarom-Esztergom (Hungary)
  • Zala (Hungary)


of 19 June 2019

adopting a position on the objection to attempts to introduce the “LGBT” ideology into local government communities and to promote this ideology in public life.

Pursuant to Article 18, item 20 of the Act on the Voivodship Self-Government of 5 June 1998 (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2019, item 512) and §89, item 3 and §101 of the Statutes of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship (consolidated text Official Journal of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship of 2010 No. 70, item 520) the following is resolved:

  • 1. A position is adopted on the objection to attempts to introduce the “LGBT” ideology into local government communities and to promote this ideology in public life.
  • 2. The position is to be forwarded to:
  1. The President of the Republic of Poland;
  2. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland;
  3. The Minister of National Education;
  4. The Parliamentarians of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship;
  5. The chairpersons of the Voivodship Assemblies;
  6. The Marshals of the Voivodships;
  7. The Educational Superintendent’s Office in Kielce.
  8. The Municipalities and Counties of the Swiętokrzyskie Voivodship;
  9. The Residents of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship through the mass media.
  • 3. The performance of the resolution is entrusted to the Chairperson of the Assembly of the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship.
  • 4. The resolution enters into force on the date on which it is passed.

Chairperson of the Assembly

Andrzej Pruś


  • Malle (Belgium)

Position of the Zakrzówek Municipal Council

Zakrzówek – “LGBT” ideology free municipality

Further to the emerging activities in public space oriented towards the promotion of the so-called LGBT+ Charter, which breaches fundamental rights and freedoms by questioning the values protected by the Polish Constitution, for the good of life and the family, in a spirit of respect for the freedom to make personal decisions, the Zakrzówek Municipal Council, declares that the local government that it represents will not interfere with the private lives of Polish men and women. We shall not allow exaggerated problems and artificial conflicts to be imposed on us. Therefore, bearing in mind the well-being of the person and the family:

  1. We shall stand up in defence of our school and our family with the intention of striving to protect them from the spreading ideology, which is in conflict with Christian values.
  2. We shall not agree to the illegal installation of political correctness officers at schools (so-called “lighthouse keepers”). We shall protect the right to raise children in accordance with the convictions of their parents and respect the personal intimacy of every pupil!
  3. We disagree with the introduction of elements of so-called sex education into the Polish educational system according to the standards of the World Health Organization. We shall protect pupils, ensuring that parents and educators are not deprived of the ability to convey the idea of the beauty of human love!
  4. We shall not allow administrative pressure to be applied in favour of political correctness (sometimes simply called homopropaganda) in selected professions. We shall protect teachers and entrepreneurs from the imposition of unprofessional criteria on them, e.g. in educational work, in the choice of employees or trading partners!

The Zakrzówek Municipal Council declares that, when performing its public tasks, it will be faithful to the national and state traditions, remembering the millennial tradition of Christianity in Poland and the attachment of Poles to freedom.


We have the first response to our letter: the spokesman of Stendal, a German town in Saxony-Anhalt, told OKO.press that in the next few weeks, the city council will decide whether to continue the partnership with the Polish city Puławy. “Everyone - regardless of sexual orientation, religion, race, gender - has equal rights. Every act of discrimination is at odds with the fundamental values of our city” - said Armin Fischbach
Piotr Pacewicz

Założyciel i redaktor naczelny OKO.press (2016-2024), od czerwca 2024 redaktor i prezes zarządu Fundacji Ośrodek Kontroli Obywatelskiej OKO. Redaktor podziemnego „Tygodnika Mazowsze” (1982–1989), przy Okrągłym Stole sekretarz Bronisława Geremka. Współzakładał „Wyborczą”, jej wicenaczelny (1995–2010). Współtworzył akcje: „Rodzić po ludzku”, „Szkoła z klasą”, „Polska biega”. Autor książek "Psychologiczna analiza rewolucji społecznej", "Zakazane miłości. Seksualność i inne tabu" (z Martą Konarzewską); "Pociąg osobowy".

Anton Ambroziak

Dziennikarz i reporter. Uhonorowany nagrodami: Amnesty International „Pióro Nadziei” (2018), Kampanii Przeciw Homofobii “Korony Równości” (2019). W OKO.press pisze o prawach człowieka, społeczeństwie obywatelskim i usługach publicznych.
