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A photograph taken on May 4, 2022 shows a destroyed Russian BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle on a road near Pokrovske, eastern Ukraine amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - The blaze in a football field-length storage building has been burning at least a day — but there's no firefighters in Temyrivka because everyone has evacuated, leaving the black smoke to rises unhurriedly. That village is in a no man's land where the two sides are so close, in some places about 3 kms, that Ukrainian troops using binoculars can see the Russians digging at their positions. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP)
Kijów: Trwają ciężkie walki w Azowstalu...mimo obietnicy zawieszenia broni. 26 rannych w Krematorsku [DZIEŃ 71. NA ŻYWO]
A woman pushes a pram past a heavily damaged residential building in the northern Ukrainian city of Chernigiv on May 3, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Russia's withdrawal from Chernigiv after a month-long assault left behind a devastated city that Ukraine will needs massive foreign aid, and many years of work, to restore. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
AP: co najmniej 600 osób zginęło w bombardowaniu teatru w Mariupolu [DZIEŃ 70. NA ŻYWO]
A truck drive past a wreckage of a Russian tank next to a destroyed petrol station in Skybyn village, northeastern Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on May 2, 2022. - The snaking queues of cars that returned to many Ukrainian roads last week showcase the success of Russia's seeming effort to inflict as much pain on its western neighbour as possible. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
4 maja w Brukseli debata nad kolejnymi sankcjami. Będzie embargo na ropę z Rosji? [DZIEŃ 69. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian soldiers arrive at an abandoned building to rest and receive medical treatment after fighting on the front line for two months near Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, on April 30, 2022. - Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
"The Times": Rosja planuje inwazję na Mołdawię. Ukraina ewakuuje z Mariupola [DZIEŃ 68. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian soliders ride in the back of a truck to a resting place after fighting on the front line for two months near Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine on April 30, 2022. - Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Szef Sztabu Generalnego gen. Gerasimow ranny pod Iziumem? Ponad 100 osób ewakuowano z Azowstali [67. DZIEŃ NA ŻYWO]
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov gestures during a press conference following talks with his Italian counterpart in Moscow, on February 17, 2022. (Photo by SHAMIL ZHUMATOV / POOL / AFP)
Wojna w Ukrainie. Rosja chce zniesienia sankcji w ramach rozmów pokojowych [66. DZIEŃ NA ŻYWO]
Members of a bomb disposal squad walk in a mine field near Brovary, northeast of Kyiv, on April 14, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. - Russia called off its northern offensive to take Kyiv at the end of March, and since then Ukrainian citizens and soldiers have returned to the land they occupied. In recent weeks AFP has seen countless unexploded munitions lying in the streets of towns and villages north-east and north-west of the capital, abandoned or mislaid in the hasty withdrawal. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Rosja ostrzelała Kijów. Zełenski: Dziękujemy za broń z Polski [65. DZIEŃ NA ŻYWO]
A man looks on his destroyed apartment in a residential building outskirts of Kharkiv on April 20, 2022. - More than five million Ukrainians have now fled their country following the Russian invasion, the United Nations says. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Rakiety uderzają w Kijów. Sekretarz Generalny ONZ spotyka się z Zełenskim [DZIEŃ 64. NA ŻYWO]
This picture taken from the Mariupol drama theatre, bombed last March 16, shows the central avenue of Mariupol on April 12, 2022, as Russian troops intensify a campaign to take the strategic port city, part of an anticipated massive onslaught across eastern Ukraine, while Russia's President makes a defiant case for the war on Russia's neighbour. - *EDITOR'S NOTE: This picture was taken during a trip organized by the Russian military.* (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP)
Media informują o czterech europejskich nabywcach gazu, którzy zapłacili w rublach [DZIEŃ 63. NA ŻYWO]
A Ukrainian multiple rocket launcher BM-21 "Grad" shells Russian troops' position, near Lugansk, in the Donbas region, on April 10, 2022. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)
Zachód w Ramstein koordynuje dostawy broni do Ukrainy. Rosja straszy III wojną światową [DZIEŃ 62. NA ŻYWO]
Servicemen of the Ukrainian Military Forces wait out shelling in a shelter on a position near Lysychansk in the Luhansk region on April 12, 2022. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Prawa człowieka
Mariupol: nie ma porozumienia ws. korytarza humanitarnego z Azowstalu [DZIEŃ 61. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses a press conference with international media in an underground metro station in Kyiv on April 23, 2022. - Zelensky criticised a decision by UN Secretary Generalto visit Moscow on April 26, before heading to Kyiv. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Blinken i Austin w Kijowie. Ukraińcy: Rosja wyczerpie swoje możliwości w dwa-trzy tygodnie [DZIEŃ 60. NA ŻYWO]
Russia's President Vladimir Putin gestures as he speaks during a press conference with his Belarus counterpart, following their talks at the Kremlin in Moscow on February 18, 2022. - Vladimir Putin said on February 18, 2022 that the situation in conflict-hit eastern Ukraine was worsening, as the West accuses him of planning an imminent attack on the country. (Photo by Sergei GUNEYEV / Sputnik / AFP)
Rosja blokuje korytarze humanitarne z Mariupola. Zełenski: "Nie mam prawa się bać" [DZIEN 59. NA ŻYWO]
A Ukrainian serviceman stands near a destroyed Russian tank in the northeastern city of Trostianets, on March 29, 2022. - Ukraine said on March 26, 2022 its forces had recaptured the town of Trostianets, near the Russian border, one of the first towns to fall under Moscow's control in its month-long invasion. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Zełenski w Wielki Piątek: Rosja to śmierć, Ukraina - życie. Pod Kijowem odnaleziono 1084 ciała ofiar [DZIEŃ 58. NA ŻYWO]
A man looks on his destroyed apartment in a residential building outskirts of Kharkiv on April 20, 2022. - More than five million Ukrainians have now fled their country following the Russian invasion, the United Nations says. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Biden ogłasza kolejny pakiet dostaw dla Ukrainy - tym razem to haubice i drony [Dzień 57. NA ŻYWO]
A Ukrainian serviceman jumps off a destroyed Russian army tank, not far from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on April 3, 2022. - Europe's worst conflict in decades, sparked by Russia's invasion on February 24, has already left some 20,000 people dead, according to Ukrainian estimates. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
USA: Powietrzne siły Ukrainy dostają wsparcie od NATO. Ultimatum dla Mariupola [Dzień 56. NA ŻYWO]
Grafika do artykułu Zełenski: "Wojska rosyjskie rozpoczęły bitwę o Donbas" [DZIEŃ 55. NA ŻYWO]
Zełenski: "Wojska rosyjskie rozpoczęły bitwę o Donbas" [DZIEŃ 55. NA ŻYWO]
A Ukranian armoured vehicle drives along a road in the Ukranian capital Kyiv on March 19, 2022. - More than 3.3 million refugees have now fled Ukraine since the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022, while nearly 6.5 million are thought to be internally displaced within the country, the UN refugee agency says. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Zaczęła się bitwa o Donbas. Zełenski: nie oddamy ukraińskiej ziemi [DZIEŃ 54. NA ŻYWO]