


Piszemy o tym, co dzieje się na świecie, ze szczególną troską spoglądając na Europę. Analizujemy politykę międzynarodową Polski i zwracamy uwagę na działania naszych dyplomatów. Sprawdzamy aktywność naszego kraju w instytucjach międzynarodowych i patrzymy, jak procesy zachodzące na świecie wpływają na Polskę. Informacje o Unii Europejskiej znajdziesz w tej kategorii.

Demonstrators gather outside the European Headquarters part as they protest in support of Ukraine's application for EU candidacy status during an EU-Western Balkans leaders' meeting in Brussels on June 23, 2022. - The leaders of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia will not boycott the European Union summit after all. The leaders of Albania and North Macedonia considered staying away from the summit as Bulgaria continues to block the start of talks over the two countries' accession to the EU. The EU summit on the Western Balkans begins on June 23, 2022. This will be followed by a regular summit, including on granting candidate country status to Ukraine and Moldova. (Photo by Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD / AFP)
Zełenski: Przyszłość Ukrainy jest w UE. Zaczął się piąty miesiąc wojny [DZIEŃ 121. NA ŻYWO]
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (L), President of the European Council Charles Michel (C) and France's President Emmanuel Macron (R) leave after holding a press conference during an European Council in Brussels on June 23, 2022. - European Union leaders on June 23, 2022 agreed to grant "candidate status" to Ukraine and Moldova, in a show of support in the face of Russia's war, EU chief Charles Michel said. (Photo by JOHN THYS / AFP)
Jest decyzja: Ukraina i Mołdawia oficjalnie kandydatami do UE! „Dobry dzień dla Europy”
Servicemen of the 126th Separate Territorial Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in military exercises in Odessa region on June 22, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Kto będzie teraz szybszy? Rosjanie pod Łysyczańskiem, czy Ukraińcy na południu? [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
(From L/R) Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen arrive for a family photo during the EU-Western Balkans leaders' meeting in Brussels on June 23, 2022. - The European Union, which at a summit on June 23 and 24, 2022, will discuss whether to make Ukraine a membership candidate, has admitted over 15 countries in the past three decades. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
„To decydujący moment dla Unii Europejskiej”. Dziś decyzja ws. Ukrainy, Mołdawii i Gruzji
Servicemen of the 126th Separate Territorial Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in military exercises in Odessa region on June 22, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Rosja kontroluje ponad połowę obwodu donieckiego. Ukraina oficjalnie kandydatem do UE [DZIEŃ 120. NA ŻYWO]
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA. W rocznicę napaści Hitlera na Stalina Putin milczy 
GOWORIT MOSKWA. W rocznicę napaści Hitlera na Stalina Putin milczy 
Servicemen of the 126th Separate Territorial Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in military exercises in Odessa region on June 22, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Krytycznie zła sytuacja pod Łysyczańskiem. Rosjanie znów poszli krok dalej [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian troop members stand on a tank on a road of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 21, 2022, as Ukraine says Russian shelling has caused "catastrophic destruction" in the eastern industrial city of Lysychansk, which lies just across a river from Severodonetsk where Russian and Ukrainian troops have been locked in battle for weeks. - Regional governor Sergiy Gaiday says that non-stop shelling of Lysychansk on June 20 destroyed 10 residential blocks and a police station, killing at least one person. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Ukraina chce odbić Wyspę Węży. W Rosji rocznica inwazji Hitlera [DZIEŃ 119. NA ŻYWO]
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA: Mieszkańcy Chersonia należą do Putina, bo miasto kazała założyć Katarzyna II 
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Mieszkańcy Chersonia należą do Putina, bo miasto kazała założyć Katarzyna II 
Ukrainian troop ride a tank on a road of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 21, 2022, as Ukraine says Russian shelling has caused "catastrophic destruction" in the eastern industrial city of Lysychansk, which lies just across a river from Severodonetsk where Russian and Ukrainian troops have been locked in battle for weeks. - Regional governor Sergiy Gaiday says that non-stop shelling of Lysychansk on June 20 destroyed 10 residential blocks and a police station, killing at least one person. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Pogorszyła się sytuacja obrońców Łysyczańska - Rosjanie są bliżej miasta [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
The leader of Czech Republic's Civic Party (ODS) and Together's (SPOLU) coalition candidate for prime minister Petr Fiala (R) talks with  STAN (Mayors and Independents) leader Vit Rakusan (L) from Pirates/STAN coalition as they attend the last debate at the public radio before the poll stations open for the parliamentary election on October 8, 2021 in Prague. - Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis is seeking a second straight victory for his populist ANO political party despite his lukewarm handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and his clash with the law. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP)
Rysa na krysztale - pierwsza afera korupcyjna w rządzie Fiali. I to nie byle jaka
A visitor walks past the remains of a missile from the recent Ukraine Russia conflict, at the entrance to the World War II open-air museum in Kyiv on May 8, 2022, a day before 'Victory Day' is commemorated in Ukraine. (Photo by Aleksey Filippov / AFP)
Rosja grozi odwetem za zakaz tranzytu przez Litwę. Moskwa wzywa ambasadora UE [118. DZIEŃ NA ŻYWO]
A Ukrainian serviceman walks through a tunnel of a trench on a position held by the Ukrainian army between southern cities of Mykolaiv and Kherson on June 12, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
W Donbasie Rosjanie stoją w miejscu. A na południu Ukrainy jest im coraz ciężej [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA. "Wojewodstwo mazowieckie". Rosyjska propaganda bije fejkiem z Warszawy
GOWORIT MOSKWA. "Wojewodstwo mazowieckie". Rosyjska propaganda bije fejkiem z Warszawy
(From L) Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky,  Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron arrive for a press conference in at Mariinsky Palace in Kyiv, on June 16, 2022. - The leaders of major EU powers France, Germany and Italy vowed on June 16 to help Ukraine defeat Russia and to rebuild its shattered cities, in a visit to a war-torn Kyiv suburb. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)
Morawiecki nie musiał jechać do Kijowa z unijną czwórką. Ale jak mu pójdzie na Radzie Europejskiej?
European Council President Charles Michel (L) shakes hands with Moldova's President Maia Sandu during their meeting in Chisinau on May 4, 2022. - European Council President Charles Michel on May 4 pledged to increase EU military aid to Moldova, Ukraine's neighbour that has seen a series of attacks in a pro-Moscow separatist region. (Photo by BOGDAN TUDOR / AFP)
Mołdawia u bram Unii, radość w cieniu wojny. Ostatnie negocjacje przed posiedzeniem Rady Europejskiej
French leftist La France Insoumise (LFI) party leader, Member of Parliament and leader of left-wing coalition Nupes (Nouvelle Union Populaire Ecologique et Sociale - New Ecologic and Social People's Union), Jean-Luc Melenchon (C), Left-wing coallition Nupes, member of LFI and candidate in the 4th constituency of the Bouches du Rhone department Manuel Bompard (R) and Left-wing coallition Nupes, member of LFI and candidate in the 7th constituency of the Bouches du Rhone department Sebastien Delogu (L) leave the polling station after voting in the second stage of parliamentary elections, in Marseille, southern France on June 19, 2022. (Photo by CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / AFP)
Wybory we Francji: świetny wynik lewicy, obóz władzy w panice. Oto scenariusze koalicji
A man stands while smoke rises after Russian attacks hit a fuel storage facility in the city of Kalynivka, on March 25, 2022. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Ukraina chce do Trójmorza. Kazachstan blokuje Rosji węgiel - a Litwa drogę do Kaliningradu [DZIEŃ 117 NA ŻYWO]