

04.02.2020 Krakow , Collegium Novum UJ . Prezydent Francji Emmanuel Macron podczas wykladu dla studentow UJ .  Fot. Adrianna Bochenek / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Emmanuel Macron
Prezydent Francji.
Zbigniew Ziobro w maseczce rozmawia przez telefon komórkowy w Sejmie, stojąc koło flagi Polski i Unii Europelskiej. Obok przechodzi premier Morawiecki, też w maseczce
Antyunijne bzdury PiS i Solidarnej Polski. Top 5 mitów Zjednoczonej Prawicy o demonicznej Brukseli
Czy rozszerzanie głosowania większościowego w UE prowadzi do superpaństwa? [BIELECKI SPRAWDZA]
Dramatyczny punkt zwrotny dla Unii Europejskiej. Nowy spór handlowy z USA [BURAS W SOBOTĘ]
Andrzej Duda rozmawia
Emmanuelu, to ty? Vovan i Lexus wkręcali wielu, ale tylko Dudę dwa razy. Zapis rozmowy
France's President Emmanuel Macron (R) waves as he welcomes German Chancellor Olaf Scholz upon his arrival for a lunch at the presidential Elysee Palace in Paris on October 26, 2022. - The two leaders aim to "strengthen Franco-German cooperation" and respond to common challenges in a "united and supportive way", to revive the Franco-German tandem, plagued by a series of disputes, from energy to defense, against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Spisek Scholza z Macronem przeciw Polsce i Europie? Fałszywy mit polskiej prawicy [BURAS]
Prime Minister Of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal (L) shakes hands with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) as President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (C) applauds at the end of the International Expert Conference on the Recovery, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Ukraine in Berlin, Germany, on October 25, 2022. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)
Czy wojna w Ukrainie osłabia Unię Europejską? [Bielecki sprawdza]
French President Emmanuel Macron gestures as he attends the final press conference at the Prague castle where the European Summit "European Political Community" takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, on October 7, 2022. - Leaders from over 40 countries are set to meet in Prague on October 6, 2022, to launch the "European Political Community". (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Sens szczytu w Pradze? Bezpieczeństwo całej Europy trzeba budować w obronie przed Rosją [BIELECKI]
Grafika do artykułu Unia potrzebuje planu dla rozszerzenia. Pomysł Macrona na konferencje na szczycie nie wystarczy
Unia potrzebuje planu dla rozszerzenia. Pomysł Macrona na konferencje na szczycie nie wystarczy
From L: Micha? Kobosko, Polska 2050 vice president, Katalin Cseh, Renew Europe vice president, Leader of the political group of the European Parliament 'Renew Europe' and Renaissance's party secretary general Stephane Sejourne, leader of Polska 2050 (Poland 2050) movment Szymon Holownia and Irena Joveva, Renew Europe MEP are seen posing for the group picture during Congress Europe 2050 - joined meeting of Renew Europa and Poland 2050 movement, in Warsaw, Poland, on September 25, 2022. (Photo by Wojtek RADWANSKI / AFP)
Hołownia chce z Macronem odnawiać Europę. Po co Polsce 2050 europejscy liberałowie?
French President Emmanuel Macron (R) and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki shake hands during a press statement  prior to their meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on August 29, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Cały rząd PiS mówi teraz Ziobrą. Nie wierzą już, że dostaną pieniądze z KPO [BURAS]
The logo of Russia's energy giant Gazprom is pictured at one of its petrol stations in Moscow on July 11, 2022. (Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)
Europa boi się blackoutów, a Węgrzy lecą do Moskwy załatwiać gaz. Będzie kryzys energetyczny?
Grafika do artykułu Timothy Garton Ash: Brytania po Johnsonie musi zresetować relacje z Unią Europejską
Timothy Garton Ash: Brytania po Johnsonie musi zresetować relacje z Unią Europejską
France's President Emmanuel Macron (L) gives a press conference with President of the European Council Charles Michel (C) and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at The European Council Building in Brussels on June 24, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Uznanie w Ukraińcach kandydatów do UE, to uznanie ich przez Zachód za nienaciąganych Europejczyków
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (L), President of the European Council Charles Michel (C) and France's President Emmanuel Macron (R) leave after holding a press conference during an European Council in Brussels on June 23, 2022. - European Union leaders on June 23, 2022 agreed to grant "candidate status" to Ukraine and Moldova, in a show of support in the face of Russia's war, EU chief Charles Michel said. (Photo by JOHN THYS / AFP)
Jest decyzja: Ukraina i Mołdawia oficjalnie kandydatami do UE! „Dobry dzień dla Europy”
French leftist La France Insoumise (LFI) party leader, Member of Parliament and leader of left-wing coalition Nupes (Nouvelle Union Populaire Ecologique et Sociale - New Ecologic and Social People's Union), Jean-Luc Melenchon (C), Left-wing coallition Nupes, member of LFI and candidate in the 4th constituency of the Bouches du Rhone department Manuel Bompard (R) and Left-wing coallition Nupes, member of LFI and candidate in the 7th constituency of the Bouches du Rhone department Sebastien Delogu (L) leave the polling station after voting in the second stage of parliamentary elections, in Marseille, southern France on June 19, 2022. (Photo by CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU / AFP)
Wybory we Francji: świetny wynik lewicy, obóz władzy w panice. Oto scenariusze koalicji
(From L) French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend a visit in Irpin on June 16, 2022. - It is the first time that the leaders of the three European Union countries have visited Kyiv since Russia's February 24 invasion of Ukraine. They are due to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at a time when Kyiv is pushing for membership of the EU. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)
Czy Zachód jest gotów zdradzić Ukrainę? Sprawdzamy, ile jest prawdy w tych oskarżeniach
French President Emmanuel Macron and the President of Moldova Maia Sandu are seen during a walk-about following their meeting as part of Macron's official visit to the region, in Chisinau on June 15, 2022. - French President Emmanuel Macron (L) with President of Moldova Maia Sandu (R) during a walk-about following their meeting in Chisinau, Moldova, 15 June 2022. (Photo by Yoan VALAT / POOL / AFP)
Mołdawia ucieka przed własną przeszłością. Czy zdąży uciec przed Rosją? [KORESPONDENCJA ]
French leftist La France Insoumise (LFI) party leader, Member of Parliament and leader of left-wing coalition NUPES (Nouvelle Union Populaire Ecologique et Sociale - New People's Ecologic and Social Union) Jean-Luc Melenchon delivers a speech during a campaign visit in support of the local constituency's candidate in Villeurbanne, central-eastern France, on June 4, 2022, ahead of France's parliamentary elections. - French voter head to the polls on June 12 and 19 for legislative elections. (Photo by OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP)
Francja: bardzo dziwne wybory. Lewica chce wrócić do gry i ma szanse