


Piszemy o tym, co dzieje się na świecie, ze szczególną troską spoglądając na Europę. Analizujemy politykę międzynarodową Polski i zwracamy uwagę na działania naszych dyplomatów. Sprawdzamy aktywność naszego kraju w instytucjach międzynarodowych i patrzymy, jak procesy zachodzące na świecie wpływają na Polskę. Informacje o Unii Europejskiej znajdziesz w tej kategorii.

Grafika do artykułu Czy jako student jestem zdrajcą ojczyzny? Dostałem się na studia w Polsce, ale Ukraina mnie nie puszcza
Prawa człowieka
Czy jako student jestem zdrajcą ojczyzny? Dostałem się na studia w Polsce, ale Ukraina mnie nie puszcza
Police officers detain a man in Moscow on September 21, 2022, following calls to protest against partial mobilisation announced by President Vladimir Putin. - President Vladimir Putin called up Russian military reservists on September 21, saying his promise to use all military means in Ukraine was "no bluff," and hinting that Moscow was prepared to use nuclear weapons. His mobilisation call comes as Moscow-held regions of Ukraine prepare to hold annexation referendums this week, dramatically upping the stakes in the seven-month conflict by allowing Moscow to accuse Ukraine of attacking Russian territory. (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP)
Płk Piotr Lewandowski: Realna mobilizacja przekracza możliwości Rosji. Zamiast niej będą łapanki rekrutów
(From L) Lega leader Matteo Salvini, Forza Italia leader Silvio Berlusconi and Brothers of Italy leader Giorgia Meloni acknowledge applause on stage on September 22, 2022 during a joint rally of Italy's right-wing parties Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d'Italia, FdI), the League (Lega) and Forza Italia at Piazza del Popolo in Rome, ahead of the September 25 general election. (Photo by Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)
Dlaczego Bracia Włosi wygrają wybory i dlaczego prawicowa koalicja szybko straci władzę? [WYWIAD]
Pope Francis addresses the plenary session of the VII Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions at the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation in Nur-Sultan on September 14, 2022. (Photo by Filippo MONTEFORTE / AFP)
W Kazachstanie Franciszek odnalazł swój głos. Inny kościół jest możliwy [OBIREK]
A picture obtained by AFP outside Iran shows a police motorbike lying in the street next to burning debris during protests for Mahsa Amini, a woman who died after being arrested by the Islamic republic's "morality police", in Tehran on September 19, 2022. - Fresh protests broke out on September 19 in Iran over the death of a young woman who had been arrested by the "morality police" that enforces a strict dress code, local media reported. Public anger has grown since authorities on Friday announced the death of Mahsa Amini, 22, in a hospital after three days in a coma, following her arrest by Tehran's morality police during a visit to the capital on September 13. (Photo by - / AFP)
Iran: po śmierci pobitej przez policję obyczajową Mahso wylała się kipiąca w ludziach złość
Cars coming from Russia wait in long lines at the border checkpoint between Russia and Finland near Vaalimaa, on September 22, 2022. - Finland said on September 21, 2022 it was is preparing a national solution to "limit or completely prevent" tourism from Russia following the invasion of Ukraine. Since Russia's Covid-19 restrictions expired in July, there has been a boom in Russian travellers and a rising backlash in Europe against allowing in Russian tourists while the war continues. (Photo by Olivier MORIN / AFP)
Finlandia budzi się z postsowieckiego snu. Ofiarą padną uciekający przed Putinem [KORESPONDENCJA]
17.09.2022 Skowronki  . Otwarcie kanalu zeglugowego przez Mierzeje Wislana .
N / Z Mateusz Morawiecki
Fot. Michal Ryniak / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Czy takiej Europy chcemy? - pyta Morawiecki. Większość w sondażu OKO.press: Tak, właśnie takiej
Police officers detain a man following calls to protest against partial mobilisation announced by Russian President, in Moscow, on September 21, 2022. - More than 1,300 people have been arrested at demonstrations across Russia against President Vladimir Putin's announcement of a partial mobilisation of civilians to fight in Ukraine, a police monitoring group said on September 21, 2022. (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP)
"Pizdziec odbywa się wszędzie". Tak wyglądają pierwsze dni mobilizacji w Rosji 
Ukrainian soldiers ride a tank in eastern Ukraine, on September 22, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)
Jak prowadzić mobilizację? Ukraina robi to wielokrotnie lepiej niż Rosja. Analizujemy
Grafika do artykułu Fałsz Putina. Prawo samostanowienia narodów to nie prawo do przeprowadzania fałszywych referendów
Fałsz Putina. Prawo samostanowienia narodów to nie prawo do przeprowadzania fałszywych referendów
Grafika do artykułu Ukraina zwycięża, więc Putin ucieka w eskalację. Krytyczny moment w wojnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukraina zwycięża, więc Putin ucieka w eskalację. Krytyczny moment w wojnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A picture taken on October 20, 2021 shows (LtoR) leader of Lega party leader Matteo Salvini, Fratelli d'Italia party leader Giorgia Meloni and Forza Italia party leader Silvio Berlusconi at the end of their meeting in Rome on October 20, 2021 - Attempts by Italy's centre-left parties to form an alliance for September elections were in disarray Monday, boosting the chances of the hard right taking power in the eurozone's third-largest economy. (Photo by Claudio PERIN / ANSA / AFP) / ITALY OUT
Gdzie przyzwoici się dzielą, rodzi się faszyzm. O fenomenie Giorgii Meloni
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) leaders' summit in Samarkand on September 16, 2022. (Photo by Sergei BOBYLYOV / SPUTNIK / AFP)
Rosja to mocarstwo? Raczej spróchniały kolos z zacofaną gospodarką. Dwie lekcje z dekolonizacji
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with leader of Ukraine's Opposition Platform - For Life party Victor Medvedchuk in Saint Petersburg on July 18, 2019. (Photo by Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP)
Po co Kremlowi Wiktor Medwedczuk? Oddał za niego m.in. 108 żołnierzy Azowa
Police officers detain a man in Moscow on September 21, 2022, following calls to protest against partial mobilisation announced by President Vladimir Putin. - President Vladimir Putin called up Russian military reservists on September 21, saying his promise to use all military means in Ukraine was "no bluff," and hinting that Moscow was prepared to use nuclear weapons. His mobilisation call comes as Moscow-held regions of Ukraine prepare to hold annexation referendums this week, dramatically upping the stakes in the seven-month conflict by allowing Moscow to accuse Ukraine of attacking Russian territory. (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP)
Mogilizacja Rosjan. Panika - to najlepiej określa nastroje w Rosji
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 21: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at U.N. headquarters on September 21, 2022 in New York City. During his remark Biden condemned Russia for its invasion in Ukraine and discussed the United States investment in combatting climate change. After two years of holding the session virtually or in a hybrid format, 157 heads of state and representatives of government are expected to attend the General Assembly in person.   Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Anna Moneymaker / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)
Biden w ONZ: ten rok był testem dla świata. Stanęliśmy po stronie Ukrainy [SŁOWO W SŁOWO]
Police officers detain a man in Novosibirsk on September 21, 2022, following calls to protest against partial mobilisation announced by President Vladimir Putin. - President Vladimir Putin called up Russian military reservists on September 21, saying his promise to use all military means in Ukraine was "no bluff," and hinting that Moscow was prepared to use nuclear weapons. His mobilisation call comes as Moscow-held regions of Ukraine prepare to hold annexation referendums this week, dramatically upping the stakes in the seven-month conflict by allowing Moscow to accuse Ukraine of attacking Russian territory. (Photo by Rostislav NETISOV / AFP)
Ta mobilizacja to ogromne zagrożenie dla reżimu. Ale Ukraina nie zostawiła Putinowi wyboru [WYWIAD]
Grafika do artykułu Jak Europa oszczędza gaz przed zimą. Sprawdzamy, na ile to będzie bolesne
Jak Europa oszczędza gaz przed zimą. Sprawdzamy, na ile to będzie bolesne