

agnieszka jedrzejczyk portret
Agnieszka Jędrzejczyk
Z wykształcenia historyczka. Od 1989 do 2011 r. reporterka sejmowa, a potem redaktorka w „Gazecie Wyborczej”, do grudnia 2015 r. - w administracji rządowej (w zespołach, które przygotowały nową ustawę o zbiórkach publicznych i zmieniły – na krótko – zasady konsultacji publicznych). Do lipca 2021 r. w Biurze Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich. Laureatka Pióra Nadziei 2022
A Ukranian soldier hugs his wife in the city of Irpin, north of Kyiv, on March 10, 2022. - Russian forces on March 10, 2022 rolled their armoured vehicles up to the northeastern edge of Kyiv, edging closer in their attempts to encircle the Ukrainian capital. Kyiv's northwest suburbs such as Irpin and Bucha have been enduring shellfire and bombardments for more than a week, prompting a mass evacuation effort. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
Zełenski w parlamencie: Razem jest nas 90 milionów, razem możemy wszystko [UKRAINA. DZIEŃ 16. NA ŻYWO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin tours the Victory Museum on the 77th anniversary of the lifting of the Nazi siege of Leningrad during World War II, in Moscow on January 27, 2021. (Photo by Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: W Ukrainie Amerykanie testowali na nietoperzach broń na Słowian 
Yves Delhommeau, Musee Grevin's French Director General, packs a wax statue of Russian President Vladimir Putin before it is stored in the reseve, as a reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine on March 1, 2022 at the Grevin museum in Paris. (Photo by JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Czy Putin nad tym panuje? Wbrew jego obietnicom Rosja posłała na Ukrainę poborowych
WASHINGTON, DC - MARCH 07: Pro-Ukraine protesters place a sign in support of Ukrainian President Zelensky outside of the Embassy of the Russian Federation on March 07, 2022 in Washington, DC. The group of protesters is demonstrating against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.   Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Kevin Dietsch / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Zełeński, nie bądź takim bohaterem. Bo my swoich nie mamy 
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA. Gdyby nie terror Zełenskiego, ludność Ukrainy uciekłaby korytarzami do Rosji
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Gdyby nie terror Zełenskiego, ludność Ukrainy uciekłaby korytarzami do Rosji
05.03.2022 Szczecin , dworzec kolejowy Szczecin - Glowny . Przyjazd pociagu Przemysl - Szczecin w ktorym bylo kilkudziesieciu uchodzcow . Pomoc zorganizowana na dworcu kolejowym dla uchodzcow z Ukrainy przybywajacych do Szczecina w zwiazku z wojna w Ukrainie rozpoczeta przez Rosje .
Fot. Cezary Aszkielowicz / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Uchodźcy i migranci
Polskie państwo działa w kryzysie wspaniale. Tylko rząd nie daje rady
A dog walks past a mural depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the Russian flag, in Belgrade on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Kurczę, tak konkretnie to powodów tej wojny objaśnić nie umiemy
Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) poses for photo with Aeroflot employees during his visit to Aeroflot aviation training complex outside Moscow on March 5, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that any country that sought to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be considered by Moscow to have entered the conflict. (Photo by Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Zwyciężymy i oddamy wam smartfony. Ale jak ręka Putina przenika mikrofon?
Russian President Vladimir Putin (C) speaks during his meeting with Aeroflot employees outside Moscow on March 5, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that any country that sought to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine would be considered by Moscow to have entered the conflict. (Photo by Mikhail KLIMENTYEV / SPUTNIK / AFP)
Putin tłumaczy się kobietom, dlaczego Rosja bombarduje Ukrainę. Czyżby zmieniał ton?
A screen shows Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking during a plenary session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in Saint Petersburg on June 4, 2021. (Photo by Olga MALTSEVA / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Propaganda rosyjska w siedmiu punktach. Oraz miłość Putina do Ukrainy
The Soyuz MS-20 spacecraft carrying the crew of Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa and his production assistant Yozo Hirano blasts off to the International Space Station (ISS) from the Moscow-leased Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on December 8, 2021. (Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)
Gwiezdne wojny 2022. Rosja bankrutuje w kosmosie [WYWIAD]
Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting with the head of Russia's Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, a big business lobby group, at the Kremlin in Moscow on March 2, 2022. (Photo by Mikhail Klimentyev / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Putin przemawia: są ofiary. To kolejna Wielka Wojna Ojczyźniana
A doctor speaks on the phone as she stands in the newly located pediatrics center after it were moved to the basement of the hospital which is being used as a bomb shelter, in Kyiv on February 28, 2022. - The Russian army said on February 28, 2022, that Ukrainian civilians could "freely" leave the country's capital Kyiv and claimed its airforce dominated Ukraine's skies as its invasion entered a fifth day. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Wojna o prawdę polega na bombardowaniu BTS-ów i telewizji
01.03.2022 Przemysl . Dworzec PKP . Chuliganski rasistowski atak na cudzoziemcow , ktorzy uciekli z ogarnietej wojna Ukrainy . 
Fot. Lukasz Cynalewski / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Policja i służby
Przemyśl pomaga jak może. I wkurza się na tych kiboli [ROZMOWA] 
Diplomats look on as Russia's foreign minister Sergei Lavrov (on screen) addresses with a pre-recorded video message at the 49th session of the UN Human Rights Council at the European headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, on March 1, 2022. - Ukraine's ambassador and diplomats from a wide number of countries staged a walkout when Sergei Lavrov's pre-recorded video message began to play, in protest against Moscow's invasion of Ukraine (Photo by SALVATORE DI NOLFI / POOL / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Dlaczego rząd mówi co innego niż Instagram?
Children being treated at a pediatrics hospital have their beds placed in the basement of the hospital which is being used as a bomb shelter, in Kyiv on February 28, 2022. - The Russian army said on February 28, 2022, that Ukrainian civilians could "freely" leave the country's capital Kyiv and claimed its airforce dominated Ukraine's skies as its invasion entered a fifth day. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
Atak na wieżę telewizyjną w Kijowie. Rosja z zawziętością bombarduje miasta w Ukrainie [DZIEŃ 6. NA ŻYWO]
This photograph taken on February 27, 2022 shows the figures of Soviet soldiers freshly painted with Ukranian flag colours at the base of the Soviet Army monument in Sofia, on February 27, 2022 in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. - Ukrainian forces said they had fought off a Russian incursion in Ukraine's second-biggest city on February 27, 2022, as both sides said they were ready for talks to halt a conflict that has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. Already a number of EU countries -- such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany and Poland -- have closed their airspace to Russian flights, forcing westbound Russian planes to make enormous diversions. (Photo by Nikolay DOYCHINOV / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA (5). Atakujemy, ale to Ukraińcy zaczęli. Wróć. To oni sami się atakują
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (2L) and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov in Moscow on February 27, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his defence chiefs to put the country's nuclear "deterrence forces" on high alert on February 27 and accused the West of taking "unfriendly" steps against his country. (Photo by Alexey NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA (4). Przyznajemy, prowadzimy wojnę na Ukrainie. Ale chcemy pokoju