

Witold Głowacki
Witold Głowacki
Dziennikarz, publicysta. Pracował w "Dzienniku Polska Europa Świat" i w "Polsce The Times". W OKO.press pisze o polityce i sprawach okołopolitycznych.
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A serviceman of the Ukrainian Military Forces examines a body following fighting against Russian troops and Russia-backed separatists near the village of Zolote, Lugansk region on March 6, 2022. - Russia's invasion of Ukraine, now in its eleventh day, has seen more than 1.5 million people flee the country in what the UN has called "Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II". (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Rosjanie zwożą cywilne ciężarówki, stoją w miejscu i ostrzeliwują miasta [UKRAINA. SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A woman carries a dog  while people cross a destroyed bridge as they  evacuate the city of Irpin, northwest of Kyiv, during heavy shelling and bombing on March 5, 2022, 10 days after Russia launched a military in vasion on Ukraine. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
Rosjanie są pasywni w polu, ale nadal biorą na cel cywilów. Dramat Mariupola [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A volunteer stands inside an auto repair shop as he reconditions machine guns that were taken from the Russian army, in Kyiv on March 6, 2022. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Moskwa chce korytarzy humanitarnych do Rosji i Białorusi. Uchodźców nawet 5 mln [DZIEŃ 12. NA ŻYWO]
Servicemen of the Ukrainian Military Forces  sit in their armoured vehicle following fighting against Russian troops and Russia-backed separatists near Zolote village, Lugansk region on March 6, 2022. - Russia's invasion of Ukraine, now in its eleventh day, has seen more than 1.5 million people flee the country in what the UN has called "Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II". (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Rosjanie z premedytacją mordują cywili. W polu ich postępy są nadal niewielkie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Servicemen of the Ukrainian Military Forces wait out the shelling in a shelter on a position in the Lugansk region on March 5, 2022. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Pod Charkowem Ukraińcy przejęli inicjatywę, a Rosjanie ściągają pod Kijów [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
This general view shows destroyed Russian armored vehicles in the city of Bucha, west of Kyiv, on March 4, 2022. - The UN Human Rights Council on March 4, 2022, overwhelmingly voted to create a top-level investigation into violations committed following Russia's invasion of Ukraine. More than 1.2 million people have fled Ukraine into neighbouring countries since Russia launched its full-scale invasion on February 24, United Nations figures showed on March 4, 2022. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Rosjanie grzęzną i koncentrują wysiłki na Kijowie. [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A woman cooks for Ukrainian soldiers at a frontline, northeast of Kyiv on March 3, 2022. - A Ukrainian negotiator headed for ceasefire talks with Russia said on March 3, 2022, that his objective was securing humanitarian corridors, as Russian troops advance one week into their invasion  of the Ukraine. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
Rosja dewastuje Ukrainę i zabija cywili. Za mówienie o tym grozi w Rosji do 15 lat więzienia. Facebook i Twitter zostały odcięte [DZIEŃ 9. NA ŻYWO]
A view of damaged building after the shelling is said by Russian forces in Ukraine's second-biggest city of Kharkiv on March 3, 2022. - Ukraine and Russia agreed to create humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians on March 3, in a second round of talks since Moscow invaded last week, negotiators on both sides said. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP)
Rosjanie burzą ukraińskie miasta, ale nie bezkarnie. Tragedia Mariupola. 8. dzień na froncie
Oleg Rubak, 32, a local engineer who lost his wife Katia, 29, in the shelling, stands on the rubble of his house in Zhytomyr on March 02, 2022, after it was destroyed by a Russian bombing the day before. - The shelling killed at least 3 people and injured nearly 20 according to locals and local authorities, destroyed a local market and at least 10 houses on March 01, 2022. (Photo by Emmanuel DUPARCQ / AFP)
Rosjanie próbują się przebić na zachód od Kijowa i bombardują miasta. Sytuacja na froncie
Grafika do artykułu Rosjanie zaczęli dzień od bombardowania ukraińskich miast. Alarmy w wielu miejscach kraju
Rosjanie zaczęli dzień od bombardowania ukraińskich miast. Alarmy w wielu miejscach kraju
Armed man stands on a check-point in the city of Brovary outside Kyiv on March 1, 2022. - Russian troops will carry out an attack on the infrastructure of Ukraine's security services in Kyiv and urged residents living nearby to leave, the defence ministry said on March 1, 2022. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Kijów, Charków i Chersoń pod ostrzałem. Mieszkańcy przygotowują się do obrony [DZIEŃ 7. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian service members look for unexploded shells after a fighting with Russian raiding group in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv in the morning of February 26, 2022, according to Ukrainian service personnel at the scene. - Ukrainian soldiers repulsed a Russian attack in the capital, the military said on February 26 after a defiant President Volodymyr Zelensky vowed his pro-Western country would not be bowed by Moscow. It started the third day since Russian leader Vladimir Putin unleashed a full-scale invasion that has killed dozens of people, forced more than 50,000 to flee Ukraine in just 48 hours and sparked fears of a wider conflict in Europe. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Rosjanie bombardują ukraińskie miasta, trwają walki pod Kijowem. Stan sytuacji na froncie
Russian military trucks and buses are seen on the side of a road in Russia's southern Rostov region, which borders the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, on February 23, 2022. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP)
12 rosyjskich błędów. Dlaczego początek wojny w Ukrainie okazał się blamażem Rosjan? [ANALIZA]
Emergencies personnel carry the body out of the damaged local city hall of Kharkiv on March 1, 2022, destroyed as a result of Russian troop shelling. - The central square of Ukraine's second city, Kharkiv, was shelled by advancing Russian forces who hit the building of the local administration, regional governor Oleg Sinegubov said. Kharkiv, a largely Russian-speaking city near the Russian border, has a population of around 1.4 million. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP)
Rosjanie próbują sterroryzować Charków bombardując centrum i osiedla mieszkalne. Co to oznacza?
A view of the cars which were destroyed by recent shelling in Kyiv outskirts on February 28, 2022. - The UN human rights chief said on February 28, 2022 that at least 102 civilians, including seven children, had been killed in Ukraine since Russia launched its invasion five days ago, warning the true numbers were likely far higher. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Rosjanie posuwają się wolno, ale zaczęli silnie ostrzeliwać miasta [RAPORT]
An Ukrainian Territorial Defence fighter examines a destroyed Russian infantry mobility vehicle GAZ Tigr after the fight in Kharkiv on February 27, 2022. - Ukrainian forces secured full control of Kharkiv on February 27, 2022 following street fighting with Russian troops in the country's second biggest city, the local governor said. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP)
Ukraina się trzyma - straty Rosjan rosną i rosną. Tak wyglądała sytuacja na froncie w 4. dniu wojny
An Ukrainian serviceman prepares a mashine gun for a combat on a position on the frontline with Russia-backed separatists at Krymske village, Lugansk region, on June 30, 2020. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)
Trzeci dzień twardej obrony Ukrainy. Rosjanie nie zrobili postępów.
Ukrainian servicemen stand on the north of Kyiv on February 24, 2022. - Russian and Ukrainian forces are battling for control of an airbase on the northern outskirts of Kyiv, a senior Ukrainian officer said on February 24, 2022, as dozens of attack helicopters swooped on the area. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)
Kijów się broni przed rosyjskim atakiem [DZIEŃ 3. NA ŻYWO]