

Władimir Putin na tle rosyjskiej flagi
Władimir Putin

Władimir Putin – rosyjski prawnik, działacz państwowy i polityk. Prezydent Federacji Rosyjskiej. W przeszłości pracownik wielu rosyjskich służb i urzędów: w latach 1975-1990 Putin był funkcjonariuszem KGB, w okresie 1990-1996 pracownikiem administracji Petersburga, od 1996 do 1998 urzędnikiem administracji prezydenta Rosji Borysa Jelcyna, a w latach 1998-1999 szefem FSB. W sierpniu 1999 roku został premierem Rosji, a 31 grudnia tego samego roku zaczął pełnić obowiązki prezydenta Rosji po rezygnacji Jelcyna. Na prezydenta Rosji został wybrany 26 marca 2000 roku. Od tamtego czasu rządzi krajem jako prezydent, z czteroletnią przerwą w latach 2008-2012.

This photograph taken on February 27, 2022 shows a Russian Armoured personnel carrier (APC) burning next to unidentified soldier's body during fight with the Ukrainian armed forces in Kharkiv. - Ukrainian forces secured full control of Kharkiv on February 27, 2022 following street fighting with Russian troops in the country's second biggest city, the local governor said. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP) / “The mention [next to unidentified soldier's body] has been added to the caption and the erroneous mention[s] appearing in the metadata of this photo by Sergey BOBOK has been modified in AFP systems in the following manner: [February 27] instead of [February 26]. Please immediately remove the erroneous mention[s] from all your online services and delete it (them) from your servers. If you have been authorized by AFP to distribute it (them) to third parties, please ensure that the same actions are carried out by them. Failure to promptly comply with these instructions will entail liability on your part for any continued or post notification usage. Therefore we thank you very much for all your attention and prompt action. We are sorry for the inconvenience this notification may cause and remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.”
Zakończyły się negocjacje Ukrainy i Rosji. Kolejne rozmowy w najbliższych dniach [DZIEŃ 5. NA ŻYWO]
An Ukrainian Territorial Defence fighter examines a destroyed Russian infantry mobility vehicle GAZ Tigr after the fight in Kharkiv on February 27, 2022. - Ukrainian forces secured full control of Kharkiv on February 27, 2022 following street fighting with Russian troops in the country's second biggest city, the local governor said. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP)
Ukraina się trzyma - straty Rosjan rosną i rosną. Tak wyglądała sytuacja na froncie w 4. dniu wojny
French far-right Rassemblement National (RN) party presidential candidate Marine Le Pen speaks as she presents her economic campaign program to the French employers' association Medef in Paris on February 21, 2022. (Photo by Eric PIERMONT / AFP)
Wybory we Francji. Nawet Marine Le Pen musiała potępić inwazję Rosji na Ukrainę
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz speaks during an extraordinary session of the Bundestag (lower house of parliament) on February 27, 2022 in Berlin. - Germany on February 26, 2022 dramatically ramped up its backing for Ukraine's battle against Russia, approving weapons deliveries for Kyiv in a policy U-turn and agreeing to limit Moscow's access to the SWIFT interbank system. In a shift from its longstanding policy of banning weapons exports to conflict zones, Berlin is opening up its Bundeswehr store, pledging to transfer 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 "Stinger" class surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine. (Photo by Odd ANDERSEN / AFP)
W Niemczech nastąpił przełom, ale za późno. Polityczne koszty ich decyzji będą ogromne
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (2L) and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov in Moscow on February 27, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his defence chiefs to put the country's nuclear "deterrence forces" on high alert on February 27 and accused the West of taking "unfriendly" steps against his country. (Photo by Alexey NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA (4). Przyznajemy, prowadzimy wojnę na Ukrainie. Ale chcemy pokoju 
Ursula von der Leyen
To przełom: UE sfinansuje zakup i dostawy broni dla Ukrainy. Ostre wystąpienie Von der Leyen [SŁOWO W SŁOWO]
Hacker Freedom Hacktivist Anonymous Face Internet
Rosyjski serwer rządowy jest czajniczkiem. Trwa wojna w sieci
(FRom L) Lithuania's President Gitanas Nauseda, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen talk during an emergency European Union (EU) summit at The European Council Building in Brussels on February 24, 2022, on the situation in Ukraine after Russia launched an invasion. - Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, killing dozens and forcing hundreds to flee for their lives in the pro-Western neighbour. Russian air strikes hit military facilities across the country and ground forces moved in from the north, south and east, triggering condemnation from Western leaders and warnings of massive sanctions. (Photo by Geert Vanden Wijngaert / POOL / AFP)
Rosja zostanie odcięta od SWIFT, aktywa banku centralnego zamrożone - jest zgoda UE, USA i Kanady
An Ukrainian serviceman prepares a mashine gun for a combat on a position on the frontline with Russia-backed separatists at Krymske village, Lugansk region, on June 30, 2020. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)
Trzeci dzień twardej obrony Ukrainy. Rosjanie nie zrobili postępów.
(COMBO/FILES) This combination of file photographs created on July 2, 2020, shows Russia's President Vladimir Putin as he - from Top L/Bottom R: meets with members of the cabinet in The Kremlin in Moscow on November 5, 2001, listens during a radio dialogue with the nation in Moscow on December 19, 2002, gestures as he talks to Russian journalists at his office in The Kremlin, Moscow on November 28, 2003, answers questions during his annual press conference at The Kremlin in Moscow on December 23, 2004, speaks during a meeting with Germany's Economics Minister Michael Glos in the Novo-Ogaryovo presidential residence outside Moscow on December 8, 2005, speaks a press conference during a mini-summit with French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Compiegne, northern France on September 23, 2006, speaks during a meeting with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier at The Kremlin in Moscow on December 18, 2007, speaks during the last Government members meeting of 2008 in Moscow on December 29, 2008, gestures while answering a question during his annual televised phone-in show in Moscow on December 3, 2009, addresses a press conference at the chancellery with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on November 26, 2010, speaks at a coordination meeting of his All-Russian Popular Front's staff at the government headquarters in Moscow, on December 27, 2011,  speaks as he meets university and college rectors  in the government headquarters in Moscow, on February 14, 2012, speaks during his annual press conference in Moscow on December 19, 2013, speaks during his annual press conference in Moscow on December 18, 2014, addresses a press conference, during the COP21 United Nations conference on climate change at Le Bourget on the outskirts of Paris on November 30, 2015, speaks during his annual press conference in Moscow on December 23, 2016, meets with top officials from the Federation Council and the State Duma at The Kremlin in Moscow on
GOWORIT MOSKWA (3). Cały świat napadł na Rosję
A demonstrator holding a placard reading "No to war" protests against Russia's invasion of Ukraine in central Saint Petersburg on February 24, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, killing dozens and triggering warnings from Western leaders of unprecedented sanctions. Russian air strikes hit military installations across the country and ground forces moved in from the north, south and east, forcing many Ukrainians flee their homes to the sounds of bombing. (Photo by Sergei MIKHAILICHENKO / AFP)
„Rosjanie nie chcą tej wojny". Na ulicach i w mediach protestują obywatelki, gwiazdy, lekarze, samorządowcy
Protesters hold pictures depicting Russian President Vladimir Putin as Adolf Hitler during a rally against Russia's invasion of Ukraine at Beyazid district in Istanbul, on February 26, 2022. (Photo by Ozan KOSE / AFP)
Rosja najeżdżała Ukrainę od wieków. Zabijali, odmawiali prawa do bycia narodem [HISTORIA]
Ukrainian servicemen stand on the north of Kyiv on February 24, 2022. - Russian and Ukrainian forces are battling for control of an airbase on the northern outskirts of Kyiv, a senior Ukrainian officer said on February 24, 2022, as dozens of attack helicopters swooped on the area. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)
Kijów się broni przed rosyjskim atakiem [DZIEŃ 3. NA ŻYWO]
FLORENCE, ARIZONA - JANUARY 15: Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at the Canyon Moon Ranch festival grounds on January 15, 2022 in Florence, Arizona. The rally marks Trump's first of the midterm election year with races for both the U.S. Senate and governor in Arizona this year.   Mario Tama/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by MARIO TAMA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)
Trump chwali agresję Putina na Ukrainę. „Błyskotliwy”, „Geniusz”, „Znam go bardzo dobrze”
A wounded woman stands outside a hospital after the bombing of the eastern Ukraine town of Chuguiv on February 24, 2022, as Russian armed forces attempt to invade Ukraine from several directions, using rocket systems and helicopters to attack Ukrainian position in the south, the border guard service said. - Russia's ground forces crossed into Ukraine from several directions, Ukraine's border guard service said, hours after President Vladimir Putin announced the launch of a major offensive. Russian tanks and other heavy equipment crossed the frontier in several northern regions, as well as from the Kremlin-annexed peninsula of Crimea in the south, the agency said. (Photo by Aris Messinis / AFP)
Timothy Garton Ash: Udręka Ukrainy, jej pot, krew i łzy, na zawsze zmieni oblicze Europy
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 21: A TV screen in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House airs Russian President Vladimir Putin's live remarks from the Kremlin on February 21, 2022 in Washington, DC. U.S. President Joe Biden is spending the Presidents Day holiday meeting with his national security team to discuss the potential Russian invasion of Ukraine.   Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images/AFP (Photo by Anna Moneymaker / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images via AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA (2). Naród ukraiński nas zawiódł. Jak go wymienić?
A man clears debris at a damaged residential building at Koshytsa Street, a suburb of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, where a military shell allegedly hit, on February 25, 2022. - Russian forces reached the outskirts of Kyiv on Friday as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the invading troops were targeting civilians and explosions could be heard in the besieged capital. Pre-dawn blasts in Kyiv set off a second day of violence after Russian President Vladimir Putin defied Western warnings to unleash a full-scale ground invasion and air assault on Thursday that quickly claimed dozens of lives and displaced at least 100,000 people. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)
Co wiemy po drugim dniu wojny w Ukrainie?
24.04.2015 Szczecin , Wielonarodowy Korpus Polnocno - Wschodni . Minister obrony narodowej Niemiec Ursula von der Leyen podczas wizyty w Koszarach Baltyckich .
Fot. Cezary Aszkielowicz / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Sankcje wobec Rosji. Pięć rzeczy, których Europa jeszcze nie zrobiła, a powinna