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Wołodymyr Zełenski

Wołodymyr Ołeksandrowycz Zełenski – od 2019 roku prezydent Ukrainy. Wcześniej znany jako ukraiński satyryk, aktor, scenarzysta, producent filmowy i polityk. Z wykształcenia jest prawnikiem.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Rescuers evacuate the body of an elderly man who was killed in a rocket attack on a residential area in Kharkiv on June 27, 2022. - The head of Kharkiv's regional administration, said a Russian strike on Ukraine's second city had killed at least four people and wounded 19 others, including four children. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Zełeński: "Rosja to organizacja terrorystyczna". Szwecja i Finlandia wejdą do NATO [DZIEŃ 125. NA ŻYWO]
Bystanders gather around the wreckage of vehicles and a crater after Russian missiles struck the courtyard of a multi-storey residential complex on the eastern outskirts of Kharkiv on June 26, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Obrona Łysyczańska będzie bardzo ciężkim zadaniem. Niespokojnie pod Charkowem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
This handout picture taken and released by the Ukraine's State Emergency Service on June 27, 2022 shows firefighters putting out the fire in a mall hit by a Russian missile strike in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk, killing at least two and injuring dozens more, Ukraine's President said. (Photo by - / UKRAINE EMERGENCY MINISTRY PRESS SERVICE / AFP)
Rosjanie ostrzelali ukraińskie centrum handlowe. Zełenski: "W budynku było ponad 1000 cywilów" [DZIEŃ 124 NAŻYWO]
France's President Emmanuel Macron (L) gives a press conference with President of the European Council Charles Michel (C) and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen at The European Council Building in Brussels on June 24, 2022. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / AFP)
Uznanie w Ukraińcach kandydatów do UE, to uznanie ich przez Zachód za nienaciąganych Europejczyków
Servicemen walk near a damaged school, next to a police building in Kramatorsk, Donbas Region of eastern Ukraine on April 5, 2022. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Zełenski: Cieszmy się choć trochę. Ukraińcy otrzymali rozkaz: opuścić Siewierodonieck [DZIEŃ 122 NA ŻYWO]
President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen (L), President of the European Council Charles Michel (C) and France's President Emmanuel Macron (R) leave after holding a press conference during an European Council in Brussels on June 23, 2022. - European Union leaders on June 23, 2022 agreed to grant "candidate status" to Ukraine and Moldova, in a show of support in the face of Russia's war, EU chief Charles Michel said. (Photo by JOHN THYS / AFP)
Jest decyzja: Ukraina i Mołdawia oficjalnie kandydatami do UE! „Dobry dzień dla Europy”
Servicemen of the 126th Separate Territorial Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in military exercises in Odessa region on June 22, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Kto będzie teraz szybszy? Rosjanie pod Łysyczańskiem, czy Ukraińcy na południu? [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Servicemen of the 126th Separate Territorial Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine take part in military exercises in Odessa region on June 22, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Krytycznie zła sytuacja pod Łysyczańskiem. Rosjanie znów poszli krok dalej [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian troop ride a tank on a road of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 21, 2022, as Ukraine says Russian shelling has caused "catastrophic destruction" in the eastern industrial city of Lysychansk, which lies just across a river from Severodonetsk where Russian and Ukrainian troops have been locked in battle for weeks. - Regional governor Sergiy Gaiday says that non-stop shelling of Lysychansk on June 20 destroyed 10 residential blocks and a police station, killing at least one person. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Pogorszyła się sytuacja obrońców Łysyczańska - Rosjanie są bliżej miasta [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A visitor walks past the remains of a missile from the recent Ukraine Russia conflict, at the entrance to the World War II open-air museum in Kyiv on May 8, 2022, a day before 'Victory Day' is commemorated in Ukraine. (Photo by Aleksey Filippov / AFP)
Rosja grozi odwetem za zakaz tranzytu przez Litwę. Moskwa wzywa ambasadora UE [118. DZIEŃ NA ŻYWO]
A Ukrainian serviceman walks through a tunnel of a trench on a position held by the Ukrainian army between southern cities of Mykolaiv and Kherson on June 12, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
W Donbasie Rosjanie stoją w miejscu. A na południu Ukrainy jest im coraz ciężej [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A Ukrainian serviceman peers out from a tank at a front line position near Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region on June 18, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)
Rosjanie utknęli. A Ukraińcy kontratakują pod Chersoniem, Iziumem i na Zaporożu [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A Ukrainian serviceman mans a position in a trench on the front line near Avdiivka, Donetsk region on June 18, 2022 amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Anatolii STEPANOV / AFP)
Coraz większe straty Rosjan w Siewierodniecku. Stoltenberg: NATO uzna Rosję za zagrożenie [DZIEŃ 116 NA ŻYWO]
(From L) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, President of France Emmanuel Macron and Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz give a joint press conference following their meeting in Kyiv on June 16, 2022. - The European Union's most powerful leaders on June 16 embraced Ukraine's bid to be accepted as a candidate for EU membership, in a powerful symbol of support in Kyiv's battle against Russia's invasion. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Timothy Garton Ash: Powitanie Ukrainy w UE może otworzyć nowy rozdział w historii Europy
(From L) French President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz attend a visit in Irpin on June 16, 2022. - It is the first time that the leaders of the three European Union countries have visited Kyiv since Russia's February 24 invasion of Ukraine. They are due to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, at a time when Kyiv is pushing for membership of the EU. (Photo by Ludovic MARIN / POOL / AFP)
Czy Zachód jest gotów zdradzić Ukrainę? Sprawdzamy, ile jest prawdy w tych oskarżeniach
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen make statements following their talks in Kyiv on June 11, 2022. - EU chief Ursula von der Leyen visited Ukraine on June 11, 2022 to discuss the country's hopes of joining the bloc, as President Volodymyr Zelensky warned the world not to look away from the conflict devastating his country. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Ukraina i Mołdawia bliżej Unii. KE popiera ich kandydatury [DZIEŃ 114. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian servicemen fire with a French self-propelled 155 mm/52-calibre gun Caesar towards Russian positions at a front line in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 15, 2022. - Ukraine pleaded with Western governments on June 15, 2022 to decide quickly on sending heavy weapons to shore up its faltering defences, as Russia said it would evacuate civilians from a frontline chemical plant. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
W Donbasie trwa ekstremalnie wyczerpująca dla obu stron wojna materiałowa [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A Ukrainian serviceman drives a Battle Tank (MBT) towards the front line at the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 14, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Rosjanie wciąż jeszcze mają siły i środki, by robić powolne postępy w Donbasie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]