

agresja Rosji na Ukrainę
Ukrainian servicemen stand at their position on the front line in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, on October 24, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Tactical" socks, insulation and even a buried sauna: in a trench in eastern Ukraine, 700m from Russian positions, a group of soldiers from the 5th brigade are busy preparing their trench for winter, the other dreaded enemy of the Ukrainian infantry. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP)
Wagnerowcy odepchnięci spod Bachmutu, więc Moskwa straszy „brudną" bombą atomową [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
People arrived from Kherson wait for further evacuation into the depths of Russia at the Dzhankoi's railway station in Crimea on October 21, 2022. - The Moscow-installed authorities of the southern Ukrainian Kherson region said on October 20, 2022 that around 15,000 people have been pulled from the territory that Russia claims to have annexed in the face of a Ukrainian advance. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP)
Rosjanie straszą zatopieniem Chersonia i budują „linię Wagnera" w Donbasie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian police officers stand guard in a street after a drone attack in Kyiv on October 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Ukraine officials said on October 17, 2022 that the capital Kyiv had been struck four times in an early morning Russian attack with Iranian drones that damaged a residential building and targeted the central train station. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Doktryna Surowikina - czyli jak Rosjanie usiłują zasypać Ukrainę rakietami i dronami
Ukrainian firefighters works on a destroyed building after a drone attack in Kyiv on October 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Ukraine officials said on October 17, 2022 that the capital Kyiv had been struck four times in an early morning Russian attack with Iranian drones that damaged a residential building and targeted the central train station. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Rosjanie wysyłają nad Ukrainę całe roje dronów samobójców - dolatuje po kilka [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian recruits take rest during a five-week combat training course with the UK armed forces near Durrington in southern England on October 11, 2022. - Ukrainian soldiers charge across a plain, brandishing rifles as smoke drifts from an explosion. But the recent recruits are not on the front line back home. They are in Britain, where the army is helping them to learn vital battlefield skills. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)
Rosjanom nie powiódł się kontratak, a ich ataki rakietowe osłabły [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Workers repair power lines in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine on October 7, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Russian forces are advancing on Bakhmut, threatening to take some of the shine off weeks of Ukrainian victories, and life is becoming more desperate for the eastern town's hard-pressed residents. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Rosjanie atakują energetykę Ukrainy. Próbują pogrążyć napadnięty kraj w ciemności, zimnie i milczeniu
A woman sits on the hill as smoke rises above buildings  in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv after a Russian missile strike on October 10, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. - The head of the Ukrainian military said that Russian forces launched at least 75 missiles at Ukraine on October 10, 2022 with fatal strikes targeting the capital Kyiv, and cities in the south and west. (Photo by Yuriy DYACHYSHYN / AFP)
Putin zasypuje Ukrainę rakietami, Łukaszenka straszy - a Ukraińcy idą do przodu [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
This photograph taken at an undisclosed location in the South of Ukraine on October 3, 2022, shows Oksana Kobets, press officer of one of Ukrainian military brigades speaking during an interview with AFP, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Ukraińcy idą po dwie kluczowe dla Rosjan szosy. Kontrofensywa trwa [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian servicemen fire a mortar from their position on the front line with Russian troops in the Donetsk region on October 5, 2022, as the Russia-Ukraine war enters its 223rd day. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Ukraińcy nadal biją Rosjan - i nad Dnieprem, i nad Dońcem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
(FILES) In this file photo illustration taken on April 14, 2022 a phone screen displays the Twitter account of Elon Musk with a photo of him shown in the background, in Washington, DC. - Elon Musk has offered to push through with his buyout of Twitter at the original agreed price, reports said October 4, 2022, just weeks before the opening of a bitter court case over his effort to withdraw from the deal. Twitter told regulators on Tuesday that Elon Musk sent a letter saying he will go through the with deal he inked early this year to buy the tech firm for $44 billion. (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP) / NO USE AFTER NOVEMBER 3, 2022 20:08:44 GMT
Dlaczego „propozycja pokojowa" Elona Muska jest korzystna tylko dla Rosji? Sprawdzamy
A Ukrainian soldier walks past a destroyed Russian tank on the front line with Russian troops in Donetsk region on September 28, 2022. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Ukraińska ofensywa znów ruszyła - i na południu, i na północy. I to jak! [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soliders rest on an armoured personnel carrier (APC) before their move at the recently retaken eastern side of the Oskil River in Kupiansk, Kharkiv region, on September 29, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Ukraińcy twardo odpowiadają Putinowi na polu walki – pod Łymanem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A Ukrainian soldier blocks his ears just after firing a mortar launcher at a position along the front line in the Donetsk region on September 26, 2022, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by ANATOLII STEPANOV / AFP)
Ukraińcy idą do przodu. USA odpowiedziały Putinowi na szantaż atomowy. Poufnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Police officers detain a man in Moscow on September 21, 2022, following calls to protest against partial mobilisation announced by President Vladimir Putin. - President Vladimir Putin called up Russian military reservists on September 21, saying his promise to use all military means in Ukraine was "no bluff," and hinting that Moscow was prepared to use nuclear weapons. His mobilisation call comes as Moscow-held regions of Ukraine prepare to hold annexation referendums this week, dramatically upping the stakes in the seven-month conflict by allowing Moscow to accuse Ukraine of attacking Russian territory. (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP)
Płk Piotr Lewandowski: Realna mobilizacja przekracza możliwości Rosji. Zamiast niej będą łapanki rekrutów
Grafika do artykułu Ukraina zwycięża, więc Putin ucieka w eskalację. Krytyczny moment w wojnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukraina zwycięża, więc Putin ucieka w eskalację. Krytyczny moment w wojnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers ride a top of  infantry fighting vehicles in Novoselivka, on September 17, 2022, as the Russia-Ukraine war enters its 206th day. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)
Przez linię frontu znów zaczyna jechać "walec". Tym razem jednak ukraiński [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers sit on infantry fighting vehicles as they drive near Izyum, eastern Ukraine on September 16, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)
Generał Stanisław Koziej: Rosja będzie uciekać przed ukraińską armią tylko do przodu - w eskalację wojny
Ukrainian soldiers sit on infantry fighting vehicles as they drive near Izyum, eastern Ukraine on September 16, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Juan BARRETO / AFP)
Ukraiński blitzkrieg się skończył – teraz czas na przegrupowanie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]