

Witold Głowacki
Witold Głowacki
Dziennikarz, publicysta. Pracował w "Dzienniku Polska Europa Świat" i w "Polsce The Times". W OKO.press pisze o polityce i sprawach okołopolitycznych.
Prezydent Andrzej Duda
Przewodów. Czy zawiodła polska obrona przeciwlotnicza? Nie. Zawiodła polityka informacyjna władz
Mateusz Morawiecki w Sejmie
Morawiecki: Nie było zamiaru, żeby zaatakować Polskę [ZAPIS RELACJI]
Dokąd pójdą Ukraińcy spod Chersonia? Bo Rosjanie z pewnością do Donbasu [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers and volunteer fighters inspect a destroyed Russian tank in an undisclosed location, eastern Ukraine on November 10, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)
Ukraińskie flagi wracają na Chersońszczyznę. Rośnie zagrożenie pod Wuhłedarem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
(FILES) This file photo taken on May 20, 2022 shows an aerial view of the city of Kherson, amid the ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine. - Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu on November 9, 2022 ordered Moscow's troops to withdraw from the city of Kherson in southern Ukraine, which Ukrainian forces have been advancing on for weeks. (Photo by Andrey BORODULIN / AFP)
Rosjanie ogłaszają odwrót z prawego brzegu Dniepru i Chersonia. Co to oznacza? [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A Ukrainian soldier of an artillery unit fires towards Russian positions outside Bakhmut on November 8, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)
Rosyjskie natarcie na Wuhłedar skończyło się masakrą. Na północy trwa rzeź [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Grafika do artykułu Dlaczego prezes PiS zagląda do kieliszka młodym kobietom i co tam zobaczył? [SPRAWDZAMY]
Dlaczego prezes PiS zagląda do kieliszka młodym kobietom i co tam zobaczył? [SPRAWDZAMY]
This photograph taken on November 3, 2022 shows a Ukrainian border guard scouting with a monocular near the Ukrainian border with Russia and with Belarus. - The Ukrainian army expressed its alarm to the "growing threat" of a new Russian offensive from its northern neighbor and Moscow ally as Belarus announced the creation of a new joint force with Russia, with up to 9,000 Russian troops and about 170 tanks, to be deployed on its territory. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Putin ma nową „wunderwaffe”, a Ukraińcy drogę R-66 [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian artillerymen fire a 152 mm towed gun-howitzer (D20) at a position on the front line near the town of Bakhmut, in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, on October 31, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP)
Atak na Flotę Czarnomorską podwójnie i bezapelacyjnie upokorzył Rosję [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Workers repair equipments of power lines destroyed after a missile strike on a power plant, in an undisclosed location of Ukraine, on October 27, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Rosjanie niszczą ukraińską infrastrukturę energetyczną, by zamienić życie cywili w piekło. Czy im się uda?
A member of Ukrainian National Guard fires a mortar launcher at a position along the front line in Kharkiv region on October 25, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Wojna w Ukrainie. Czy nadal trwa cisza przed burzą? [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian servicemen stand at their position on the front line in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region, on October 24, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Tactical" socks, insulation and even a buried sauna: in a trench in eastern Ukraine, 700m from Russian positions, a group of soldiers from the 5th brigade are busy preparing their trench for winter, the other dreaded enemy of the Ukrainian infantry. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP)
Wagnerowcy odepchnięci spod Bachmutu, więc Moskwa straszy „brudną" bombą atomową [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
People arrived from Kherson wait for further evacuation into the depths of Russia at the Dzhankoi's railway station in Crimea on October 21, 2022. - The Moscow-installed authorities of the southern Ukrainian Kherson region said on October 20, 2022 that around 15,000 people have been pulled from the territory that Russia claims to have annexed in the face of a Ukrainian advance. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP)
Rosjanie straszą zatopieniem Chersonia i budują „linię Wagnera" w Donbasie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian police officers stand guard in a street after a drone attack in Kyiv on October 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Ukraine officials said on October 17, 2022 that the capital Kyiv had been struck four times in an early morning Russian attack with Iranian drones that damaged a residential building and targeted the central train station. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Doktryna Surowikina - czyli jak Rosjanie usiłują zasypać Ukrainę rakietami i dronami
Ukrainian firefighters works on a destroyed building after a drone attack in Kyiv on October 17, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Ukraine officials said on October 17, 2022 that the capital Kyiv had been struck four times in an early morning Russian attack with Iranian drones that damaged a residential building and targeted the central train station. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Rosjanie wysyłają nad Ukrainę całe roje dronów samobójców - dolatuje po kilka [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz climbs with head of training at arms manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Juergen Schoch (R) on a German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun Flakpanzer Gepard during a visit of the training program for Ukrainian soldiers on the Gepard anti-aircraft tank in Putlos near Oldenburg, on August 25, 2022. - Scholz meets with soldiers and industrial trainers from the manufacturing company Krauss-Maffei Wegmann at the Putlos military training area in Schleswig-Holstein. (Photo by Axel Heimken / POOL / AFP)
Niemcy się ociągają i dają Ukrainie bardzo mało broni? [SPRAWDZAMY]
Ukrainian recruits take rest during a five-week combat training course with the UK armed forces near Durrington in southern England on October 11, 2022. - Ukrainian soldiers charge across a plain, brandishing rifles as smoke drifts from an explosion. But the recent recruits are not on the front line back home. They are in Britain, where the army is helping them to learn vital battlefield skills. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)
Rosjanom nie powiódł się kontratak, a ich ataki rakietowe osłabły [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Workers repair power lines in Bakhmut, eastern Ukraine on October 7, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - Russian forces are advancing on Bakhmut, threatening to take some of the shine off weeks of Ukrainian victories, and life is becoming more desperate for the eastern town's hard-pressed residents. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Rosjanie atakują energetykę Ukrainy. Próbują pogrążyć napadnięty kraj w ciemności, zimnie i milczeniu