

This photograph taken on February 27, 2022 shows the figures of Soviet soldiers freshly painted with Ukranian flag colours at the base of the Soviet Army monument in Sofia, on February 27, 2022 in reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. - Ukrainian forces said they had fought off a Russian incursion in Ukraine's second-biggest city on February 27, 2022, as both sides said they were ready for talks to halt a conflict that has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes. Already a number of EU countries -- such as Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany and Poland -- have closed their airspace to Russian flights, forcing westbound Russian planes to make enormous diversions. (Photo by Nikolay DOYCHINOV / AFP)
30 zdemontowanych sowieckich pomników w Europie i 50 „zbezczeszczonych". RAPORT, ZDJĘCIA, WIDEO
This photograph taken on May 25, 2022 shows destroyed administration building in the city of Bakhmut in the eastern Ukranian region of Donbas. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Zełenski: Donbas będzie ukraiński. Trwają walki o Siewierodonieck [DZIEŃ 94. NA ŻYWO]
A photograph shows a destroyed school in Vilkhivka village, near Kharkiv, on May 25, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Zełenski oskarża Rosję o ludobójstwo w Donbasie. Wojna w Ukrainie [DZIEŃ 93. NA ŻYWO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu leave Red Square after the Victory Day military parade in central Moscow on May 9, 2022. - Russia celebrates the 77th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany during World War II. (Photo by Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP)
Skrajna prawica i skrajna lewica w USA nawołuje do dogadania się z Putinem. Co zrobi Biden?
A mortar explodes next to the road leading to the city of Lysychansk in the eastern Ukranian region of Donbas, on May 23, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Rosjanie planują bazę wojskową w Chersoniu. Ciężkie walki w Donbasie [DZIEŃ 90. NA ŻYWO]
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA: Zwyciężyliśmy. Azowstal nasza, choć obrońcy wysadzili magazyny w powietrze i polegli 
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Zwyciężyliśmy. Azowstal nasza, choć obrońcy wysadzili magazyny w powietrze i polegli 
Grafika do artykułu Co się dzieje z obrońcami z Mariupola? "Wywieźli ich w koszmarne miejsce"
Co się dzieje z obrońcami z Mariupola? "Wywieźli ich w koszmarne miejsce"
A man carries a giant letter "Z", which has become a symbol of support for Russian military action in Ukraine, during the "Immortal Regiment" march in Belgrade on May 9, 2022. - About 200 people took part in the march of the "Immortal Regiment" organized in Belgrade by the Russian Embassy to mark the Soviet victory over the Nazis in 1945. The participants marched in silence holding the portraits of the young people dead in the battlefields. (Photo by Andrej ISAKOVIC / AFP)
Serbia i Rosja: czy dekady dobrych stosunków popsuje kwestia Ukrainy (a tak naprawdę Kosowa)?
Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin gives a press conference to announce that Finland will apply for NATO membership at the Presidential Palace in Helsinki, Finland on May 15, 2022. - "Today, the President of the Republic and the Government's Foreign Policy Committee have jointly agreed that Finland will apply for NATO membership, after consulting parliament. This is a historic day. A new era is opening", President Sauli Niinisto said. As the next step, the Finnish parliament will convene on Monday, May 16, 2022 to debate the decision, with current projections showing a large majority of the country’s 200 member parliament supporting the bid. (Photo by Alessandro RAMPAZZO / AFP)
NATO. Przełomowa decyzja Finlandii i Szwecji obnażyła porażkę Putina. A groźby Kremla? Kryją niemoc
A Ukrainian serviceman smokes a cigaret in a trench at the front line east of Kharkiv on March 31, 2022. - Russian forces are repositioning in Ukraine to strengthen their offensive on the Donbass, Nato said on March 31, 2022, on the 36th day of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, as shelling continues in Kharkiv (north) and Mariupol (south). (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Trwa ewakuacja żołnierzy z Azowstali [82. dzień NA ŻYWO]
Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA: Rosja nie chce kapitulować. Straszy głodem i szuka pomocy na całym świecie 
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Rosja nie chce kapitulować. Straszy głodem i szuka pomocy na całym świecie 
Grafika do artykułu Olena Apczel, ukraińska artystka: "Oczywiście, że Rosjanie odejdą. Zwyciężymy, tylko jakim strasznym kosztem"
Olena Apczel, ukraińska artystka: "Oczywiście, że Rosjanie odejdą. Zwyciężymy, tylko jakim strasznym kosztem"
Grafika do artykułu Jak dezinformacja rosyjska węszy teorie spiskowe i je przeciw nam wykorzystuje [ROZMOWA]  
Jak dezinformacja rosyjska węszy teorie spiskowe i je przeciw nam wykorzystuje [ROZMOWA]  
A rocket is launched from a truck-mounted multiple rocket launcher near Svyatohirsk, eastern Ukraine, on May 14, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA / AFP)
Rosyjskie rakiety przy granicy z Polską. Finlandia oficjalnie: chcemy do NATO [81. dzień NA ŻYWO]
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban gives his first international press conference after his FIDESZ party won the parliamentary election, in the Karmelita monastery housing the prime minister's office in Budapest on April 6, 2022. - A patriot to his supporters but an autocrat to his critics, Hungary's all-powerful premier Viktor Orban looks set to continue his transformative "illiberal" revolution after his Fidesz party won a fourth straight term in office on Sunday, April 3, 2022. (Photo by Attila KISBENEDEK / AFP)
Orbán hamuje embargo na ropę z Rosji. Ma naśladowców w innych krajach UE
An aerial view taken on April 12, 2022, shows the city of Mariupol, during Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. - Russian troops on April 12 intensified their campaign to take the port city of Mariupol, part of an anticipated massive onslaught across eastern Ukraine, as the Russian president made a defiant case for the war on Russia's neighbour. (Photo by Andrey BORODULIN / AFP)
Szef Pentagonu rozmawiał z Szojgu, a kanclerz Scholz z Putinem. Wojna w Ukrainie [DZIEŃ 79. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian servicemen ride on an armored personnel carrier (APC) on a road near Petrivske village, in Kharkiv region, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on May 9, 2022. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Finlandia: chcemy do NATO. W najbliższych dniach zadecydują też Szwedzi [DZIEŃ 78. NA ŻYWO]
Transnistrian honour guard soldiers attend a flower-laying ceremony during the Alexander Nevsky Memorial Day in the town of Bender on September 12, 2021. (Photo by Sergei GAPON / AFP)
Naddniestrze, czyli rosyjski "lądowy lotniskowiec" bez lotniska i bez zębów [ANALIZA]