

Sytuacja na froncie
Firefighters extinguish a fire in a destroyed building of a chemical factory following a missile strike in the second largest Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, on August 19, 2022, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Ukraina trzyma Krym na celowniku. W Donbasie i na południu impas [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE - 177. DZIEŃ WOJNY]
Ukrainian soldiers prepare a mortar launcher at a position along the front line in the Donetsk region on August 15, 2022, amid Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Nowa seria eksplozji na Krymie. Bachmut wciąż się broni [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE] [174 dzień wojny]
A local resident rides bicycle past a fragment of a rocket embedded in the ground following a rocket attack in the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region on August 12, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Rosjanie nacierają na Bachmut i pod Donieckiem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE. 170. DZIEŃ WOJNY]
Ukranian soldiers wave from the back of a pick-up as they drive to the frontline during a rainy day in the city of Sloviansk, eastern Ukraine, on August 2, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)
Po HIMARS-ach nadeszły HARM-y – a w tle rysuje się cień F-16 [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE, 167 dzień wojny]
Ukrainian gunmen fire a US made M777 howitzer from their position on the front line in Kharkiv region on August 1, 2022, amid Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Rosjanie wzmacniają się na południu, osłabiając się w Donbasie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE] [UKRAINA]
A Ukrainian man killed at the main square of Bakhmut is carried by soldiers and emergency services after a bombardment in Bakhmut, Eastern Ukraine, on July 31, 2022. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)
Rosjanie prą w kierunku Bachmutu i koncentrują znaczne siły pod Chersoniem [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian servicemen work inside of a Polish 155mm self-propelled tracked gun-howitzer Krab at a position on the front line in the Donetsk region on July 26, 2022, amid Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Na południu Ukrainy za sprawą HIMARS-ów coraz goręcej. W Donbasie impas [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Grafika do artykułu Czy polskie czołgi i amerykańskie HIMARSY przełamią impas w Ukrainie?
Czy polskie czołgi i amerykańskie HIMARSY przełamią impas w Ukrainie?
Ukrainian servicemen drive a T-72 tank on the frontline in eastern Ukraine on July 13, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP)
Czy "czas HIMARS-ów" poprzedza czas kontrofensywy? [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers on top of an Ukrainian armoured fighting vehicle are pictured on a road in the countryside of Siversk, in Donetsk Oblast, eastern Ukraine, on July 8, 2022, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by MIGUEL MEDINA / AFP)
Rosjanie ogłaszają pauzę operacyjną, ale intensywność ostrzału nie słabnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A photograph taken on June 6, 2022 shows the Kharkiv's Pedagogical University building destroyed by a missile hit in Kharkiv, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. - According to the prosecutor's office of the Kharkiv region, a 40-year-old watchman died as a result of the hit. (Photo by SERGEY BOBOK / AFP)
Rosyjski impet w Donbasie nie słabnie, ale postępów zaczyna brakować [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers inspect a destroyed warehouse reportedly targeted by Russian troops on outskirts of Lysychansk, in the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 17, 2022, as the Russian-Ukraine war enters its 114th day. (Photo by ARIS MESSINIS / AFP)
Rosjanie biorą północ Donbasu w kleszcze. Ofensywa nie słabnie [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Pedestrians walk past the tail section of a rocket which is embedded in the ground, in Kramatorsk on July 4, 2022, the day after a Russian rocket attack. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Pauza operacyjna w Donbasie? Jeśli tak, to jeszcze nie dzisiaj [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A resident walks among debris next to a destroyed house in Sloviansk on July 4, 2022, the day after a Russian rocket attack. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Rosjanie podbili cały obwód ługański. Teraz chcą iść na Siewiersk i Słowiańsk [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Rescuers evacuate the body of a person from a destroyed building after being hit by a missile strike in the Ukrainian town of Sergiyvka , near Odessa, killing at least 18 people and injuring 30, on July 1, 2022. - During the night from June 30 to July 1, 2022, two missiles were fired by a "strategic aircraft" from the Black Sea, hitting buildings, according to the Ukrainian emergency services. (Photo by Oleksandr GIMANOV / AFP)
Rosjanie są coraz bliżej okrążenia Łysyczańska. Na południu ciężkie walki [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
AFP presents a selection of 100 pictures to mark 100 days of Russia's war in Ukraine

A Russian soldier patrols at the Mariupol drama theatre, bombed last March 16, on April 12, 2022 in Mariupol, as Russian troops intensify a campaign to take the strategic port city, part of an anticipated massive onslaught across eastern Ukraine, while Russia's President makes a defiant case for the war on Russia's neighbour. - *EDITOR'S NOTE: This picture was taken during a trip organized by the Russian military.* (Photo by Alexander NEMENOV / AFP) / NO USE AFTER JUNE 30, 2022 22:00:00 GMT - UKRAINE - RUSSIA CONFLICT 100 DAYS 100 PICTURES
Rosjanie wypędzeni z Wyspy Wężowej. Ale pod Łysyczańskiem jest bardzo źle [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Security guard men of Indonesian President Joko Widodo, who is visiting Ukraine, pose for a picture next to a propelled artillery gun which is exhibited in the center of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, on June 29, 2022. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Rosjanie próbują okrążyć Łysyczańsk - ale Ukraińcy twardo się bronią [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Ukrainian soldiers ride an armoured vehicle on the main road to Lysychansk in Ukraine’s eastern region of Donbas on June 26, 2022. - Russian forces achieved major military successes in eastern Ukraine on June 25, 2022, fully capturing the strategic city of Severodonetsk after a fierce battle and entering the nearby city of Lyssychansk, as the conflict entered its fifth month. (Photo by Bagus SARAGIH / AFP)
Bardzo ciężka bitwa pod Łysyczańskiem. Dziwne uspokojenie na południu Ukrainy [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]