


Piszemy o tym, co dzieje się na świecie, ze szczególną troską spoglądając na Europę. Analizujemy politykę międzynarodową Polski i zwracamy uwagę na działania naszych dyplomatów. Sprawdzamy aktywność naszego kraju w instytucjach międzynarodowych i patrzymy, jak procesy zachodzące na świecie wpływają na Polskę. Informacje o Unii Europejskiej znajdziesz w tej kategorii.

Grafika do artykułu GOWORIT MOSKWA: Propaganda po Buczy zaostrza kurs. W Moskwie jastrzębie górą?
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Propaganda po Buczy zaostrza kurs. W Moskwie jastrzębie górą?
(FILES) This file photo taken on March 24, 2022 shows pipes and pressure gauges for gas lines at Open Grid Europe (OGE), one of Europe's largest gas transmission system operators, in Werne, western Germany. - Germany on March 30, 2022 raised the alert level under its emergency gas plan as fears rose that Russia could cut off supplies if Western countries refused to make payments in rubles. Germany is highly dependent on Moscow for its energy needs, with 55 percent of its natural gas being delivered along pipelines from Russia before the invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Ina FASSBENDER / AFP)
Sankcje po zbrodniach w Buczy. Kraje bałtyckie odcięły rosyjski gaz, Francja i Niemcy mówią o ropie i węglu
A man walks past destroyed buildings in the town of Borodianka, northwest of Kyiv on April 4, 2022. - The EU said on April 4, 2022, it is urgently discussing a new round of sanctions on Russia as it condemned "atrocities" reported in Ukrainian towns that have been occupied by Moscow's troops. Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Pod Kijowem trwa zbieranie dowodów zbrodni. Coraz ciężej w Donbasie. [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A communal worker releases the wrists of a dead man, with his hands tied behind his back, in the town of Bucha, not far from the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on April 3, 2022. - President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of committing genocide and attempting to eliminate the "whole nation" of Ukraine, a day after the discovery of mass graves and apparently executed civilians near Kyiv. Ukraine has recovered 410 civilian bodies from areas it recently retook from the Russian army in the wider Kyiv region, its prosecutor general Iryna Venediktova said Sunday. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Co wiemy o mordach w Buczy?
Grafika do artykułu Jaką broń dokładnie otrzymuje Ukraina z Zachodu i jaką jeszcze mogłaby dostać?
Jaką broń dokładnie otrzymuje Ukraina z Zachodu i jaką jeszcze mogłaby dostać?
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Dead bodies lie on a street in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, on April 2, 2022, as Ukraine says Russian forces are making a "rapid retreat" from northern areas around Kyiv and the city of Chernigiv. - The bodies of at least 20 men in civilian clothes were found lying in a single street Saturday after Ukrainian forces retook the town of Bucha near Kyiv from Russian troops, AFP journalists said. Russian forces withdrew from several towns near Kyiv in recent days after Moscow's bid to encircle the capital failed, with Ukraine declaring that Bucha had been "liberated". (Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP)
Zełenski o rosyjskich żołnierzach: "Rzeźnicy, mordercy, gwałciciele". Odessa pod ostrzałem [DZIEŃ 40 NA ŻYWO]
People wait for results of the opposition coalition parties during the election night on the iceskating pitch in Budapest on April 03, 2022. - With 57 percent of the votes counted, Nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Orban's Fidesz party had gained 55.75 percent of the vote versus 32.55 percent for the six-party opposition coalition. (Photo by FERENC ISZA / AFP)
„Nie rozumiemy, co się stało”. Smutny wieczór węgierskiej opozycji [RELACJA Z BUDAPESZTU]
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R) casts his ballot as his wife Aniko Levai looks on at a polling station in Budapest, Hungary, during general elections on April 3, 2022. - Long-time nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban faces a united opposition for the first time as he goes head-to-head in general elections against conservative politician Peter Marki-Zay. (Photo by FERENC ISZA / AFP)
PILNE! Wybory na Węgrzech. Cząstkowe wyniki: znów wygrał Fidesz i Viktor Orbán [OKO.press z Budapesztu]
People react as they gather close to a mass grave in the town of Bucha, just northwest of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on April 3, 2022. - President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of committing genocide and attempting to eliminate the "whole nation" of Ukraine, a day after the discovery of mass graves and apparently executed civilians near Kyiv. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Jak nakłamać o masakrze w Buczy
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / Communal workers carry a civilian in a body bag in the town of Bucha, not far from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv on April 3, 2022. - US and NATO leaders voiced shock and horror at new evidence of atrocities against civilians in Ukraine, and warned that Russian troop movements away from Kyiv did not signal a withdrawal or end to the violence. (Photo by Sergei SUPINSKY / AFP)
Zbrodnie pod Kijowem. Rosjanie chcą zacząć wojnę od nowa na wschodzie Ukrainy [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
A giant election poster of the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (R) is seen, can read on it 'Save Hungary's peace and safety!' , with smaller one of Orban's opponent Peter Marki-Zay (L) in Kisvarda town, eastern Hungary, about 300 km from Hungarian capital Budapest on March 28, 2022. - Facing Hungary's tightest election for years on Sunday, Prime Minister Viktor Orban can count on a win in a party stronghold near the Ukraine border with fears of involvement in the war next door dominating the campaign. (Photo by ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP)
20-letnia Hajnal: „Nie ma dla mnie przyszłości w Węgrzech Orbána”
People attend a funeral of David Ratiani, a Georgian volunteer fighter killed during the ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine, in Tbilisi on March 26, 2022. (Photo by Vano SHLAMOV / AFP)
To jest też nasza wojna. Poeta i muzyk walczą o Ukrainę w Legionie Gruzińskim [Reportaż]
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / A dead body lies on the ground in a street in Bucha, northwest of Kyiv, as Ukraine says Russian forces are making a "rapid retreat" from northern areas around Kyiv and the city of Chernigiv, on April 2, 2022. - The bodies of at least 20 men in civilian clothes were found lying in a single street Saturday after Ukrainian forces retook the town of Bucha near Kyiv from Russian troops, AFP journalists said. Russian forces withdrew from several towns near Kyiv in recent days after Moscow's bid to encircle the capital failed, with Ukraine declaring that Bucha had been "liberated". (Photo by RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP)
Ciała rozstrzelanych cywilów ze związanymi rękami, masowe groby. Dowody zbrodni wojennych w Buczy
12.12.2021 Warszawa , al Ujzadowskie , Kancelaria Prezesa Rady Ministrow . Nowy Kanclerz Republiki Federalnej Niemiec Olaf Scholz i Premier Mateusz Morawiecki podczas powitania .
Fot. Slawomir Kaminski / Agencja Wyborcza.pl
Polska - Niemcy. Po chwilowej odwilży biznes as usual, czyli ataki z Warszawy niestety nie ustają
Hungary's opposition alliance's candidate for prime minister, Peter Marki-Zay delivers a speech as it rains during an event to close his election campaign in Budapest on April 2, 2022, on the eve of Hungary's parliamentary elections. - Nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Orban faces perhaps the toughest electoral task of his 12 years in power on April 3 as he faces a united opposition in an unpredictable general election, after a campaign dominated by Russia's invasion of neighbouring Ukraine. (Photo by FERENC ISZA / AFP)
Lider opozycji dla OKO.press: „W porównaniu z Orbánem jestem nudnym człowiekiem” [KORESPONDENCJA Z BUDAPESZTU]
Ukrainian policemen check the wreckage of destroyed Russian tanks and armoured personnel carriers (APC) in Dmytrivka village, west of Kyiv, on April 2, 2022 as Ukraine says Russian forces are making a "rapid retreat" from northern areas around Kyiv and the city of Chernigiv. (Photo by Genya SAVILOV / AFP)
Zełenski: "To ludobójstwo”. Świat reaguje na zbrodnie wojenne Rosjan pod Kijowem [DZIEŃ 39 NA ŻYWO]
Peter Jakab, leader of Jobbik party attends an event in Budapest on March 15, to commemorate Hungary's Revolution and Independence Day. (Photo by Peter Kohalmi / AFP)
Wybory na Węgrzech. Dawni skinheadzi bronią demokracji
Hungary's opposition alliance's candidate for prime minister, Peter Marki-Zay delivers a speech during an event at the end of his election campaign in Budapest on April 2, 2022, on the eve of Hungary's parliamentary elections. - Nationalist Hungarian Prime Minister Orban faces perhaps the toughest electoral task of his 12 years in power on April 3 as he faces a united opposition in an unpredictable general election, after a campaign dominated by Russia's invasion of neighbouring Ukraine. (Photo by FERENC ISZA / AFP)
"Zastąpienie Orbána to nasza misja pokojowa”. Ostatni przedwyborczy wiec opozycji [RELACJA Z BUDAPESZTU]