


Piszemy o tym, co dzieje się na świecie, ze szczególną troską spoglądając na Europę. Analizujemy politykę międzynarodową Polski i zwracamy uwagę na działania naszych dyplomatów. Sprawdzamy aktywność naszego kraju w instytucjach międzynarodowych i patrzymy, jak procesy zachodzące na świecie wpływają na Polskę. Informacje o Unii Europejskiej znajdziesz w tej kategorii.

In this handout picture taken and released by the Ukrainian Presidency Press Office on March 18, 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addresses the nation in Kyiv. - Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said on March 18, 130 people had been saved after the bombing of a theatre in the port city of Mariupol under Russian siege, but "hundreds" were still trapped in rubble. (Photo by Handout / UKRAINE PRESIDENCY / AFP)
Walki o Mariupol w centrum miasta. Nie żyje rosyjski generał Mordwiczew [DZIEŃ 24. NA ŻYWO]
Russian President Vladimir Putin greets the audience as he attends a concert marking the eighth anniversary of Russia's annexation of Crimea at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow on March 18, 2022. (Photo by Ramil SITDIKOV / POOL / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Zachód pierze mózgi naszej młodzieży. Nie ma potrzeby wykupywania kaszy! 
This photograph taken on March 18, 2022 shows smoke rising after an explosion in Kyiv. - Authorities in Kyiv said one person was killed early on March 18, 2022 when a downed Russian rocket struck a residential building in the capital's northern suburbs. They said a school and playground were also hit. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Ukraińska obrona jest - dosłownie - niezłomna. Rosjanie nie zrobili ani kroku. [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Smoke rises from a Russian tank destroyed by the Ukrainian forces on the side of a road in Lugansk region on February 26, 2022. - Russia on February 26 ordered its troops to advance in Ukraine "from all directions" as the Ukrainian capital Kyiv imposed a blanket curfew and officials reported 198 civilian deaths. (Photo by Anatolii Stepanov / AFP)
Jak skutecznie bronić się przed rosyjską inwazją. Ukraiński poradnik praktyczny [ANALIZA]
Grafika do artykułu Ukręcimy Ruskim łby gołymi rękami, tylko chrońcie nasze niebo - proszą Ukraińcy z Jaworowa i Winnicy
Ukręcimy Ruskim łby gołymi rękami, tylko chrońcie nasze niebo - proszą Ukraińcy z Jaworowa i Winnicy
A police officer looks through the window of a damaged flat in a residential building which was hit by the debris from a downed rocket in Kyiv on March 17, 2022. - One person was killed and three injured when debris from a downed rocket hit a Kyiv apartment block, as Russian forces press in on the capital, emergency services said. Russian troops trying to encircle Kyiv have launched early morning strikes on the city for several successive days, putting traumatised residents further on edge. (Photo by FADEL SENNA / AFP)
Kolejne osoby wyciągane spod gruzów teatru w Mariupolu. Zakończyły się rozmowy Chiny - USA i Rosja - Francja. [UKRAINA. DZIEŃ 23. NA ŻYWO]
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky virtually addresses the US Congress on March 16, 2022, at the US Capitol Visitor Center Congressional Auditorium, in Washington, DC. (Photo by J. Scott Applewhite / POOL / AFP)
Ash: Plan Zełenskiego, czyli jak sprawić, by Putin ucierpiał jak najbardziej, a Ukraińcy jak najmniej
US soldiers are seen near a military camp in Arlamow, southeastern Poland, near the border with Ukraine, on March 3, 2022. (Photo by Wojtek RADWANSKI / AFP)
Większość nie chce zbrojnej interwencji Polski i NATO w obronie Ukrainy [SONDAŻ OKO.press]
Concrete blocks with French national motto "liberty, equality, fraternity" written on it 
form a barricade in front of the National Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet in Odessa on March 17, 2022. - Odessa, which Ukraine fears could be the next target of Russia's offensive in the south, is the country's main port and is vital for its economy. But the city of one million people close to the Romanian and Moldovan borders also holds a special place in the Russian imagination. (Photo by BULENT KILIC / AFP)
Rosjanie wciąż burzą artylerią ukraińskie miasta, ale stoją w miejscu [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) meets with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (2L) and chief of the general staff Valery Gerasimov in Moscow on February 27, 2022. - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his defence chiefs to put the country's nuclear "deterrence forces" on high alert on February 27 and accused the West of taking "unfriendly" steps against his country. (Photo by Alexey NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA: Amerykanie najechali Rosję z Ukrainy przy pomocy covidu 
Grafika do artykułu Uciekli przed wojną, ale państwo polskie im nie pomoże. Powstał hostel dla nieukraińskich uchodźców
Uchodźcy i migranci
Uciekli przed wojną, ale państwo polskie im nie pomoże. Powstał hostel dla nieukraińskich uchodźców
A Ukrainian evacuee wrapped in a blanket walks at the Ukrainian-Romanian border in Siret, northern Romania, on March 16, 2022. - More than three million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the invasion, the UN migration agency IOM says. Around half are minors, says the UN children's agency. (Photo by Armend NIMANI / AFP)
GŁOSY Z UKRAINY. Elon Musk wyzywa Putina na solo. A 3/4 Ukraińców twierdzi, że idzie dobrze
Rescuers remove debris from a building damaged by shelling in central Kharkiv on March 16, 2022, amid the ongoing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Sergey BOBOK / AFP)
Ludzie wychodzą żywi spod gruzów zbombardowanego teatru w Mariupolu [UKRAINA. DZIEŃ 22 NA ŻYWO]
Chinese Foreign minister Wang Yi appears on a screen as he delivers a remote speech at the opening of a session of the UN Human Rights Council, following the Russian invasion in Ukraine, in Geneva, on February 28, 2022. - The UN Human Rights Council voted to hold an urgent debate about Russia's deadly invasion of Ukraine at Kyiv's request, amid widespread international condemnation of Moscow's attack. (Photo by Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP)
Chiny wobec wojny: „siedzą na górze i obserwują walczące tygrysy”. Co zrobią? [ANALIZA]
Protestors listen to a speech of Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky screened during a demonstration against Russia's invasion of Ukraine, on March 4, 2022 at the Venceslas square in Prague, Czech Republic. (Photo by Michal Cizek / AFP)
Czy zbliża się porozumienie pokojowe Ukrainy i Rosji?
Russian President Vladimir Putin crosses himself during a visit to the Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral in the 17th century Iversky Monastery at the Valdai Lake in Valdai, Russia, 12 January 2008. AFP PHOTO / POOL / ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO (Photo by ALEXANDER ZEMLIANICHENKO / POOL / AFP)
GOWORIT MOSKWA. Zdenerwowany Putin ogłasza ciężki kryzys w Rosji 
Members of the Ukrainian Territorial Defence Forces take part in tactical exercises near the western Ukrainian city of Lviv on March 16, 2022, amid the ongoing Russia's invasion of Ukraine. (Photo by Yuriy Dyachyshyn / AFP)
Ukraińcy przechodzą do kontrofensywy. Trwa ważna bitwa pod Kijowem. [SYTUACJA NA FRONCIE]
Workers move the bodies of deceased people from a truck into a refrigerated container at the Fu Shan Public Mortuary in Hong Kong on March 16, 2022, amid the city's worst-ever Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak that has seen overflowing hospitals and morgues and a frantic expansion of the city's spartan quarantine camp system. (Photo by DALE DE LA REY / AFP)
Pamiętacie o pandemii? Jeszcze się nie skończyła. Sytuacja w Chinach może zachwiać rynkami